How to use public speaking to promote your business at no cost

We all know that word of mouth is the best and most effective form of advertising. People experience your service or product, like what they experience, and tell others about you. The only problem with this is that it happens sporadically between two individuals or small groups, so it takes much longer to spread the word and build your reputation.

There is a way to supercharge the word-of-mouth process by getting many more people to experience your service or product at the same time and it involves public speaking. I know you would rather die than stand in front of a group and talk. BUT stick with me and you may change your mind when you consider the benefits of promoting your business by speaking in public at no cost to you.

Why is public speaking so effective as a business promotion tool?

It gives your audience the chance to experience their background and personality up close and personal as they say. If they like what they hear and see and feel a connection to you, they will hire you and/or tell the world about you and your service.

How to proceed

In every city there are many associations, service clubs, support groups, health care organizations, etc. in dire need of speakers for your monthly gatherings or annual banquets. Check your telephone directory or regional community directory published by your local newspaper for group names and contact information.

Once you have selected the groups you would like to present to, call them and ask for the name of the person in charge of lining up the speakers. They will be delighted to hear from you, as your job is difficult, and they will appreciate your offer to speak for free.

1. Summarize your talk to the person in charge of recruiting speakers.

2. Emphasize how your presentation will benefit your members.

3. Prepare your presentation to solve a problem for your listeners. Suggest concrete solutions.

4. Put the topic of your presentation in the form of a “How To” heading.

Examples: How to bully proof your kids.

Five ways to protect your computer from hackers

5. Don’t make your talk too self-promotional. This will turn off your audience. One or two references to your business during your talk will be fine. Avoid having more than that.

6. Be sure to provide useful and practical information.

7. Follow your topic to the group. If you have a computer service business and are talking to a group of PTAs, a great talk would be “Ten Ways to Protect Your Kids from Internet Child Predators.”

8. Be enthusiastic about your topic. The enthusiasm is contagious and memorable.

9. Use humor in your talk. If you can’t tell a humorous story, collect and use funny phrases related to your topic.

* To receive a free copy of my 35 Best One-liners mailto:[email protected]

10. Near the end of your presentation, invite your audience to pick up a copy of a tip sheet that you prepared and brought with you related to your topic. At the bottom of the tip sheet, place their contact information plus a statement inviting them to copy the tip sheet and give it to anyone they think might be interested. All it asks is that you copy the tip sheet as is with your contact information intact.

11. You may also indicate on the tip sheet and orally that you are available to speak to any group that you think would benefit from your message.

12. Have your business card and any relevant promotional materials as part of a handout for audience members. Invite them to pick up a package before they leave.

13. At the end of your talk, say, “I’d be happy to stick around for the end of the evening to answer any questions you may have.

14. If you have an online newsletter or special report related to the evening’s theme, offer them a copy if they can leave their business card or email address. When you get home make sure you send them what you offered. Be sure to keep your email addresses on file for future contact.

15. If you’re good, the word will spread and you’ll start getting calls to talk. When this happens, you can start charging a fee for your speaking services.

When I started charging for my speaking services, I did 50 in a year for $200 a speech. Now I do 40 or 50 a year for between $1800 and $2500 plus expenses. I get paid well to speak and I continue to reap the benefits of word of mouth advertising.


If you’re afraid of public speaking, don’t let that stop you from taking advantage of the promotional value of presentations. Remember that you only overcome your fears by facing them head on. When you overcome your fear of public speaking, you will have at your disposal a powerful and effective advertising tool. And you won’t have to pay a penny.

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