HTC Sensation: review of its key features

The HTC Sensation is the manufacturer’s new flagship smartphone and is a perfect example of how fast smartphone technology advances. It offers a number of impressive key features and beats most of its competitors in many ways.

In this article, I’ll take a look at some of its key features so you can decide if it’s the right smartphone for you.

The HTC Sensation is primarily marketed as a multimedia smartphone. While it certainly has the credentials to make this claim, it’s also a fantastic productivity device, and thanks to the versatility of the Android operating system and its downloadable apps, it really does offer something for everyone.


One of the main points of interest of people when choosing a new smartphone is the quality of the camera. The HTC Sensation certainly doesn’t disappoint in this regard. At 8 megapixels, it’s certainly impressive in terms of image quality. What’s also impressive about the camera is how easy it is to use. Everything you need is conveniently arranged in the camera interface. Icons for settings, flash, switching to camcorder mode, and switching to front camera mode are located at the bottom of the screen, with a manual zoom slider located at the top of the screen. Video is also very good on the HTC Sensation, with the ability to capture 1080p HD.

htc sense

The manufacturer’s customized Android interface, called Sense, is available to allow users to customize their phone to a high degree. Up to 7 home screens can be assigned with different apps, widgets and themes. This makes Seaton a great all-rounder as you can set up screens for eg work, entertainment, travel, social media etc. Sense also has many great innovations, which make the phone easy to use on a day-to-day basis. It also has a website that allows users to sign up and then they can backup all their files and even perform a number of tasks remotely. For example, if you lose your phone, you can wipe all your data and even post a reward message in case someone finds it.

dual core processor

One of the most talked about specifications of the HTC Sensation is its dual-core processor. At 1.2 GHz, it’s available to provide all the computing power your device needs to run demanding applications. Allows resource-dependent applications to load instantly and run smoothly. It also provides benefits to the hardware. For example, the responsiveness of the touchscreen depends on the available processing power, as does the phone’s ability to quickly navigate the Internet.

Of course, there’s a lot more to the HTC Sensation than what I’ve covered in this article, but I hope it’s given you an idea of ​​the levels of technology the phone offers and the kind of user experience it offers. The HTC Sensation’s versatility makes it a great all-rounder for many different types of users, but it has the power to excel at many tasks. The HTC Sensation is available on most major UK networks, with many offering the phone for free when you sign up for one of their tariffs.

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