Important Steps for Breeding Chihuahuas

Think you’re ready for some new chihuahua puppies? Well, think again. As a Chihuahua owner, before you let your female Chihuahua mate, think about the future consequences you will have to face. At the same time, learn some important steps for raising Chihuahuas, so you’re not left wondering what to do next.

First things first, before you let your chihuahua breed, make sure your chihuahua goes through selective breeding. If your chihuahua doesn’t do this, it can produce unhealthy puppies that suffer from numerous health ailments.

Like humans, diseases can be acquired by heredity.

Before proceeding with the breeding of Chihuahua. Take note of the following preparations:

First, you’ll need to set aside money for expensive health screenings. Then you have to pay stud fees. You will definitely need to set aside another sum of money for the delivery. If your girl is unable to give birth normally, she should prepare for an unexpected C-section.

When the puppies are born, you will have to prepare extra food at all times. And of course the puppies will need their shots too.

If you think that all this is going to be a hassle, it means that you are not ready for it.

These are just the initial steps.

If you really want your chihuahua to produce healthy puppies, always remember to spay her before breeding. This will also ensure that your chihuahua is safe and healthy after birth.

When giving birth, if you still have no idea what to do with the new puppies, go to the vet and consult him. The last thing you would do is endanger your harmless new puppies. Always accompany mom chihuahua while she gives birth and try to spend as much time as possible with the puppies, at least during the first weeks.

Weigh your puppies daily, and if you notice that they are not nursing, you should feed them every 2 hours. Sometimes if your mother chihuahua dies during childbirth then it is convenient to use the bottle to feed the litter.

As your puppies mature, this requires some training and discipline.

This is the period for you to start potty training or simply disciplining your puppies. One of the most important steps is getting your Chihuahuas socialized. Socialization will make your puppies more friendly and less likely to bark at strangers or hurt them.

As we know, Chihuahuas can get jealous easily. Therefore, tame and discipline them. Your chihuahuas will become endearing house pets.

Before your chihuahua starts breeding, ask yourself if you’re prepared to take charge when the new puppies arrive or when unexpected things happen, like your chihuahua dying during childbirth. Chihuahuas are very delicate creatures. Both the mother and the puppies deserve 100% of your attention.

So are you ready to breed?

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