Kidney and Liver Detox with Couchweed

Feeling lethargic is never easy, especially when exhaustion becomes quite common from when you wake up until you get home from work at night and your energy is already low. Some people may call this situation “spring fever” or get so sick after abusing the winter season.

Experts say this is just a cleanse, aka the spring tonic, where people can go on vacation for a spring clean and relax for a couple of weeks each year. This has been routine for most people in America and Europe, where herbs are widely used in dishes and baths. In fact, people celebrate spring cleaning since the first centuries.

And today, this is called detoxification. This is how modern research has currently found relevant benefits in terms of general cleaning, its rapid results and effectiveness for health. In fact, the body has its own self-cleaning capabilities, but since we can accumulate toxins over a period of time, especially during winter, it may not be able to support vital organs too much and therefore will need our help. What you can do is learn to support them with a “natural” cleanse. However, the cleanse is not just a simple intestinal cleanse. The actual cleanse should target the entire body system, including the liver and kidneys, the deep tissues, the skin and lymphatic system, and the lungs.

Also, not all cleaning is a medicine away, as there are various complications behind it. By now, you should get over the small beginnings: herbs, also known as cleansing plants, may have better cleansing abilities.

Now where to start?

You can take, for example, try to start with the herb burdock. But having a bit of knowledge about its good and bad sides, you may not know that it definitely draws toxins out of the body, but it can also flush them into the bloodstream in certain ways, so proper dosage is a must. That’s not going to be a problem anyway because there are still others that have been used in the old days and have been effective so far for spring cleaning remedies. In addition to Parsley and Uva ursi, there is this herb called Couch Grass.

Couch grass (also known as crab or shrink grass)

It is a French spring tonic with the scientific name Triticum repense, where herbal teas made from couch grass roots are said to taste unpleasant, but then it has been a classic drink in France given to patients as alternative medicine. Despite its unpleasant taste, it has several benefits that are recognized as aiding in the drainage of the liver and kidneys. Also, quick remedies are simply made with a handful of chopped fresh herb, simmered in ½ liter of water for about 20 minutes and then allowed to steep again for another 10 minutes.

This ideal kidney and liver detox tea or “food” has been highly regarded by Swiss naturopath, Dr. Alfred Vogel, as it stimulates the cleansing abilities of the liver and promotes the body’s natural immunity to fight against diseases easily and in the long term. One of the reasons grass is considered a great spring tonic is because of its power to increase the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood, which in turn improves oxygen delivery to cells excellent for repair. In addition, French research has shown that it regenerates and renews interstitial fluids that act as deep tissue restorers while the herb is at its best.

How to make couch grass tea?

To make this herbal root tea, use 2 teaspoons of dried, chopped root per cup of water. Bring to a slow boil and cook over low heat. It is recommended to drink the tea three times a day for best results. In addition, it is good for calming inflammations, especially in the mucous membranes of the throat, urinary tract and stomach. It can loosen the release of phlegm and facilitate speech, for example, when suffering from laryngitis.

To treat kidney related infections such as urinary tract problems, couch grass can also be combined with other diuretic herbs for quick treatment. The herbal combination may include Uva ursi, Cornsilk, and Buchu.

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