Laughter- The Best Aphrodisiac

WARNING: Real history ahead. This will help you attract women. Stop reading if you don’t want to learn how to win over the woman of your dreams just by being funny.

I would like to tell you a story, the story of a boy who was not so handsome but was full of charisma, energy and the ability to make fun of himself. He had no problem letting it all hang out, so karaoke was a regular event for him on weekend nights. One night this guy was having a great time, he wasn’t even looking for girls, he was just singing (badly, I might add) at the karaoke bar on the East Side of Manhattan and entertaining his friends. A beautiful Latina girl, one he wouldn’t normally think of picking up, noticed him and showed her interest with some serious flirtation. She wasn’t impressed by his appearance, but she loved the fact that he enjoyed making fun of himself on stage. There was something about the energy she brought with her. They soon started talking, one thing led to another, and before he knew it he was in bed with this beautiful South American girl. Now they are talking about getting married.

And by the way, this story is totally true.

Guys, girls LOVE humor! No matter what survey, book, or magazine article you read, HUMOR is always considered one of the top things girls look for in a guy. And think about it, if YOU were a girl, would you rather be with a guy who loves life and makes you laugh, or a guy who may be more handsome but really boring? Do not answer. Having a good sense of humor not only brightens your girl’s world, but also brightens your own.

I could talk all day about different ways to be funny (or “cocky funny,” as David DeAngelo recommends), but I’ll start with my favorite method:

1. Self-loathing

Do you know that your parents told you not to care what people joke about you, to only joke about yourself? Well, it works, and not just as a way to deflect ridicule. You can also make girls like you, even love you.

I mean, hey, my last name is Brito. Sounds like Burrito, right? So growing up, they always called me Burritto. It bothered me at first, but once I started joking about it, even EMBRACING the Burritto nickname, life got better. Classmates stopped calling me Burritto in a teasing way, but in a fun way and among friends. I realized that self-loathing has even greater rewards: by doing dumb things like the worst “worm” you’ll ever see on a dance floor or karaoke on stage, people would laugh and enjoy my company. They would ask me out a lot more. And I would have fun. THAT is a game of winners.

Accepting the whole name “Burritto”, making fun of it, helped me make friends and girlfriends. “What’s your name?” the girls ask. “James, but you can call me Burritto,” she would reply. “Burrito?” the girls would say with a laugh. “That’s an interesting name.” And I guarantee you the conversation didn’t end there.

So guys, learn to make fun of yourselves. Not only will you attract girls, but you will enjoy life more. Everything in life seems a little brighter, a little more “glass half full” when you learn to laugh, not only at other people, but at yourself as well.

2. Observational humor. Hey, weird and funny things always happen. You might see a guy whose face looks like his dog or a goofy-looking cat staring at you. If you can point these things out, you’ll come across as sharp, witty, and full of fun.

3.Ingenuity. Nothing seems stronger than a guy who can chop his opponent to pieces, especially by using his own comments against him. He conveys intelligence, humor, and power all rolled into one.

4. Exaggeration. Hey, be ridiculous. I got the girls’ phone numbers just by walking around like a crab. Or sing a REALLY off-key note. Depends on the type of girl you are looking for, if she is an ice queen I wouldn’t recommend it, but for fun and easygoing girls, going overboard will make them laugh and want to be with you. in the process.

5. Cocky fun. This is the trademark of relationship guru David DeAngelo. The premise is that by doing arrogant and funny acts like making fun of a girl or slapping her, you show that you can live without her. The girls need you more than you need them, so to speak.

Personally, I don’t recommend this method because it will really make you look like an idiot. If bumping into a girl on purpose or asking her friends how they can deal with someone as annoying as her fits your personality, go for it. Maybe you are a cocky jerk after all. But if it’s NOT you, don’t bother. Dating should be about who you are, NOT who you’re not.

There you go. Just as laughter is the best medicine, it is also one of the best aphrodisiacs. So use it and have fun!

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