Lentil Health Benefits: Masoor Dal Nutrition Facts

Lentils are an integral part of the daily diet in India. High in protein, the lenses have an earthy, nutty flavor and come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. From the staple South Indian Tuvar dal to ‘very light to digest’ Moong dal, ‘packed with energy’ Chana dal, often fermented Urad dal and ‘vegetarian delight’ Masoor dal; all have their place of honor in Indian cuisine. It is now a scientifically proven fact that eating nutrient-rich lentils can reduce various types of medical problems.

Compared to other vegetables like Rajma, cowpeas, black beans, etc., lentils have a shorter cooking time and do not require soaking. Therefore, lentils are very easy to cook and a perfect addition to all meals.

Masoor dal or red lentil is a vegetarian delicacy. Its color and flavor make it one of the tastiest lentils. It is widely used in Ayurveda as it has various medicinal properties. Rich in antioxidants, it is anticancer and good for anemic people. Aside from this roasted powder, it makes a great face and body scrub.

Power to slow down:

Lentils come from the vegetable family and are packed with nutrition. Protein-dense lentils have numerous health benefits. Not only are they packed with dietary fiber, folate, and iron, but they’re also packed with calcium, potassium, zinc, various vitamins, and niacin. Listed below are all the health benefits of lentils that will make you reach your daily dose of dal.

Lean protein: For vegetarians, lentils are the third leading source of protein after soy and hemp. A cup of cooked lentils provides about 18 grams of protein. The wonderful thing is that it is lean protein with no cholesterol or saturated fat. Although they do not contain all the amino acids, combining them with rice or wheat provides the full range of protein.

Complex carbohydrates: Lentils contain a large amount of complex carbohydrates that burn slowly so you feel full longer.

Balances blood sugar: the presence of soluble fiber and manganese help stabilize and balance blood sugar levels.

Lowers blood pressure: Good news for people with high blood pressure! The potassium, calcium, and manganese present in the lenses help lower blood pressure.

Controls digestive disorders: Lentils have a high amount of insoluble fiber that is excellent for reducing digestive disorders such as constipation, flatulence, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Lowers cholesterol: Regular intake of lentils lowers arterial and blood cholesterol, which reduces the risk of stroke and keeps the heart healthy.

Fights Obesity: Packed with fiber, protein, and various minerals, lentils act as a bulking agent, keeping hunger pangs at bay. They are very low in calories, which helps control weight.

Provides energy: Lentils are packed with iron and give you instant energy to keep going. Eating lentils is a great way to combat fatigue, especially for women.

Fights cancer: The selenium present in the lenses fights inflammation, thus reducing tumors. It stimulates the production of cancer-killing cells in the body and helps the liver detoxify cancer-causing elements. Lens fibers also reduce the risk of colon cancer. Regular consumption of lentils also keeps breast cancer at bay.

For a healthy pregnancy: The folate in lentils prevents birth defects and provides folic acid to women to help them carry their babies to term.

Lentils are good! Okay! Okay!

1 cup of cooked lentils provides –

0.90 percent folate

0.49 percent manganese

0.37 percent iron

0 36 percent phosphorus

0.22 percent thiamin

0.21 percent potassium

0.18 percent vitamin B6

Apart from various trace elements such as selenium, riboflavin, niacin, zinc, copper, etc.

Masoor dal or red lentil is a vegetarian delicacy. Its color and flavor make it one of the tastiest lentils. It is widely used in Ayurveda as it has various medicinal properties. Rich in antioxidants, it is anticancer and healthy for anemia. Apart from this roasted masoor dal powder, it is an excellent scrub for face and body.

When shopping for lentils, be sure to choose an organically grown package to ensure you get all the goodness of lentils without the side effects of harmful pesticides.

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