Liquidators and retailers see a different liquidation landscape due to the Internet

It was only 10 years ago when overstock liquidators had to call or fax a product offer to a discount-oriented retailer to alert them to a product liquidation opportunity. Back then, having a toll-free 800 number and a fax line was considered the latest in the world of liquidation. This methodology for selling excess inventory was resource intensive and there were very limited channels for liquidators to sell on those days. Thanks to the Internet and new software technology, not only is the selling effort more efficient and simplified for liquidators, but the available sales channels have expanded well beyond traditional discount retailers like Big Lots or TJMaxx.

From a channel distribution perspective, the Internet has helped create online surplus stores, auction channels like eBay, marketplace sites like Amazon, surplus websites like or, B2B barter sites, and more. even online flea markets. Liquidators can now sell to multiple channel segments in addition to the more traditional discount retailers they sold to in the past. The web has also helped fuel the growth of mass web-based email marketing campaigns, where thousands of buyers can be reached quickly and efficiently while also targeting them based on their category of purchase. purchase, be it electronics, clothing, sporting goods, household items, etc. . This targeted rifle approach to selling excess inventory is much more productive today due to database management software that enables email segmentation. And with the latest technology trend shifting towards cloud computing, an adjuster can now move their buyer’s database, email software and accounting system to various web-based solutions, allowing them to easily scale the business with more efficiency and lower IT administration costs.

In addition to the Internet helping to expand liquidation distribution channels, businesses that sell excess inventory also benefit from the Internet as it makes it easier for them to find, match, and follow through with liquidators to remain competitive in the crowded world. current liquidation of surpluses. . The industry has come a long way from generic fax bursts and telemarketing.

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