Meat slicers and their history for healthy food preparation

Meat slicers are a part of American food preparation. The product dates from the 19th century. The first American meat slicer arrived in 1909. They were at one time an integral part of American manufacturing of food preparation products. The development occurred to cut more meat faster in deli and butcher shops. As the 20th century progressed, Meat Slicers became a part of kitchens across the United States. With minimal advertising, the products showed value for slicing meats for snacks and meals. Shortly after World War II, the use of meat slicers became part of healthy lunches for students, as well as those who brought lunches to work in bags and lunch boxes.

As meat consumption increased, so did the use of meat preparation products for meals such as lunches and dinners. Meat slicers and their use helped families and their competition provide families with a more important food preparation product for cutting and slicing meats just like you buy at delicatessens and butchers. Everyone was now able to do this with simple crank movements.

Once electric motors became commonplace in small kitchen appliances, their addition to meat slicers added modern convenience to families across the country. Mothers and wives could more easily prepare lunches for husbands and children. As the tensions of the 20th century grew, so did the need to complete tasks more quickly and efficiently. Meat slicers became increasingly common as the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s progressed. What was once part of a ‘status element‘meat slicers were another small kitchen appliance’every house must have. The engines became available across all product lines. Product details became the main focus of marketing. Detail for products like:

  1. sheet size
  2. Aluminum
  3. stainless steel
  4. Easy to clean
  5. easy to assemble
  6. easy to disassemble
  7. easy to reassemble

All of the above fueled the advertising and marketing of meat slicers throughout the 20th century. People continued to seek ease in food preparation. Meat slicers provided ease along with speed in providing high-quality slices of meat and other foods. They transformed into Food Slicers to show versatility. After an established versatility, food slicers evolved into an appliance capable of preparing healthy food in a healthier way. This attracted more people along with opening up a new market segment in the latter part of the 20th century.

Healthy food preparation exploded in the 1990s and continues today. Now, well into the second decade of the 21st century, more and more people are looking to improve their health. This improved health comes from the desire to eat a healthier diet. A healthier diet becomes easier with healthy food preparation appliances.

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