My Favorite Personal Candida Remedies (Antifungals)

Candida can mimic, cause, or worsen the symptoms of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. For this reason, a natural approach to these autoimmune disorders should include a plan to combat candida. The following is a list of my favorite remedies. (These must be combined with an anti-candida diet to be effective.)

Oregano oil

Oil of oregano has been used as a medicine for thousands of years and has been shown to be potent against a wide range of bacteria, fungi, such as Candida, and parasites. Oil of oregano was compared to the pharmaceutical drug nystatin and found to be just as potent. Additionally, studies conducted at Georgetown University Medical found that the oil inhibited the growth of staph bacteria just as effectively as conventional antibiotics.

Germanium Sesquioxide

All practitioners have their personal favorites when it comes to Candida / antifungal treatments. (I am limiting my list to those that I have personally used and found effective.) For yeast infection, Epstein-Barr syndrome, and allergies, Dr. Lester Rose, MD, recommends germanium sesquioxide (Ge-132). mg a day and makes them write up to 150 mg over a three week course. It does this in combination with CoQ10 supplements at 60 mg twice a day and 3 SOD (superoxide dismutase) tablets. Germanium is believed to be effective against yeasts and viruses because it increases oxygen in the body and these organisms are sensitive to oxygen. Grapefruit Seed Extract (Citrus Seed Extract)

Grapefruit seed extract

Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) is a natural broad-spectrum antibiotic. It has also been shown to be effective against some Candida viruses and yeast. This extract has been studied for use against Staphylococcus (Staph), Streptococcus (Strep), Salmonella, Chlamydia trachomatis, Herpes simplex 1, Influenza A2, and the measles virus. It can also be used as a non-toxic hand sanitizer. A Brazilian study found that it is almost as effective at disinfecting the skin as commercially available surgical soap.

Note: People sensitive to citrus fruits may develop a grapefruit seed allergy.

Shark liver oil

Johns Hopkins University discovered that an ingredient in shark liver oil, squalamine, is effective against yeast.


Once the candida has grown too large, the body’s colony of good bacteria that should populate the gut cannot be reestablished without treatment. Probiotics are necessary to keep the candida population low.

Digestive enzymes-

It has been hypothesized that digestive enzymes work by breaking down Candida in the same way that they break down food.

Note: This is not intended to be medical advice.

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