Nap time

That’s right, I’m tired… tired of free-bee’s for free and irresponsible people in this country. Why did the government pressure banks to make loans to high-risk applicants? If they’re high risk, that means they’re likely to default on their mortgage payment…in short! But the government thought this was a great idea to let low-income people with no credit, bad credit and past bad loans turn a new page.

Are you starting to read my mind? Come on… I thought this only happened in “Happy Sam’s Used Cars… Bad Credit, No Credit, No Problem!” Well guess what? (this is going to be a surprise) people who have bad credit and a history of not paying bills on time…should not be able to get a home loan. Can’t make a cable bill payment or car payment, but can make a 30-year mortgage payment? No problem. That makes sense to me if I was in an opium bar in Dublin! But guess that? I wasn’t… I was working my butt off, paying bills and building up my savings and not sitting on my mailbox waiting for my food stamps to come through.


So, for being a responsible person, paying my bills on time, being responsible for not spending more than I can afford, and not charging credit cards on a suicidal financial anchor… where is my reward? And you? Are you getting a check for being financially stable and not being a part of this mess? Sorry my friends… YOU are going to have to pay for the irresponsibility of the irresponsible. It gives you that sense of warning and comfort, doesn’t it?

Every day I hear how my hard-earned, tax-paying dollars are being spent on people who are irresponsible while trying to do the right thing day in and day out. Lessons are not learned when we reward people who do not want to improve in the hope that they will change.

If you give someone something forever, they never have to work for it.

Wow… that was pretty profound… nap time!

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