Numerology and food: how are you in the kitchen

What kind of foods do you like? Is the kitchen a pleasant place for you? Numerology can predict what kind of food preferences you will have. We only need to calculate your date of birth number.

birth day calculator

Your birthday number is the date of the month you were born, reduced to a single digit by fadic addition. For example, actor Orlando Bloom was born on January 13, 1977, so his birthday number is (4) as shown below.

Birthday = (Day part of your date of birth) = (13) = (1 + 3) = (4)

The numerical values ​​of the day of birth and their effects on your food choices are listed below.

Day of birth (1) – Experimenters

You love trying new foods; your palate quickly turns into a table with the same food as always. Also, a decorative gift on the plate means a lot to you. Exotic fruits and vegetables, wild game, lobster and shellfish with a good old wine are his favorite options. You don’t mind paying for a truly exceptional meal.

Day of birth (2) – Healthy eaters

You enjoy preparing a healthy meal as much as eating it. Rich desserts, creamed potatoes, thick soups, and pastas are among her favorites. Milk dishes and derivatives are greatly enjoyed, as well as cheeses of all kinds. Homemade whole wheat bread is one of your particular weaknesses.

Day of birth (3) – Nibblers

You don’t like sitting down to a big elaborate meal. Snacking throughout the day is his preferred way of eating. Beer or wine with nachos is a meal for you. The kitchen is an unknown mystery to you; you just use it as a place to store prepared foods.

Day of birth (4) – Foodies

You love to eat and prepare meals with a passion. You enjoy new dining experiences, whether you’ve prepared your own or are dining out. Your refrigerator is always full of interesting foods. Food is an important part of your life.

Day of birth (5) – Thieves

Your hectic life leaves little time for meals. You survive on fast food, eating on the go, without thinking about the health consequences of what you are eating. Only her hectic lifestyle helps keep the pounds at bay. Chocolate and candy bars are your friends.

Day of birth (6) – Socializers

You treat meals as a social occasion. You are willing to go to great lengths to prepare an impressive meal for your family and friends. He loves to hear praise from others for his hospitality. The meals you have to make alone are a chore; You don’t really care what you eat at those times.

Day of birth (7) – Kitchen Wizards

You are a magician in the kitchen. You have the ability to prepare delicious and imaginative meals with whatever you have on hand. Your fair is simple and healthy, and it seems that you have an endless variety of dishes that you can prepare. You hardly ever use a cookbook, instead pulling your recipes out of thin air.

Day of birth (8) – General

You have a precise and well-organized kitchen from which to fight. You are a confident cook and will bravely experiment with exotic dishes as long as you have a good recipe to work from. He likes to entertain and expects to be complimented on what he serves.

Day of Birth (9) – Inspired Cooks

You are a born genius in the kitchen. Able to prepare meals that require precise time in preparation with ease. Sometimes you invent your own recipes with excellent results. Spaghetti and other dishes with flavorful sauces are among her favorites. Desserts are also a specialty of yours. Be careful not to be too critical of the efforts of others in the kitchen, it will cause you trouble.

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