Office furniture rental: furniture solutions for seasonal needs

office furniture rental It is an excellent opportunity to make your office’s operating costs more efficient. Despite that, the concept rarely receives the recognition it so often deserves. That’s because it’s a common idea that regardless of the field, buying, rather than renting, is always a smart move.

While there are many circumstances in which it makes more sense to buy than rent, there are plenty of reasons to opt for furniture rentals over buying furniture for an entire office.

On the one hand, buying furniture may be cheaper, given a long enough period of time, than renting furniture, but this overlooks some complicating factors. First, buying furniture limits your ability to act on seasonal needs. If you’re in charge of providing furniture for an office that has a defined annual sales cycle, it can be surprisingly inefficient to store furniture on site when it’s not being used. Office furniture rental can mitigate that problem, as you can simply order what is needed, when it is needed, and return it when your rush is over.

Storage and waste efficiency aren’t the only costs associated with buying furniture. The maintenance, handling and repair of furniture is a process that occurs throughout the year, even when the furniture is not in use. When all of that is added up, it can be a huge waste of resources and a pretty powerful argument against buying.

There are many organizations for which such a seasonal approach could be beneficial. Some fields where this could be particularly useful include the hospitality and special events industry, which are often responsible for hosting and/or holding large gatherings during conference season but then slow down considerably. Institutions of higher education, such as universities, could also benefit from renting, as their enrollment numbers often go down and up according to the calendar.

No matter what the reason for your rental, consider CORT when choosing your solution. We have extensive experience providing the best home and office furniture rental services available.

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