oh crush it

One of our favorite crops is winter squash with its many varieties of colors, flavors, shapes, and sizes. Butternut, acorn, hubbard, delicata, kobacha, sweet dumpling, turban, spaghetti, and butternut varieties tend to be the most commonly available. However, there are literally hundreds of different varieties of winter squash in the world to experiment with. With all that variety it’s hard to get tired of using them to make really good food recipes.

Unfortunately, winter squash vines can reach 20 feet in length, and therefore most backyard gardens cannot support the plants. Experienced gardeners will try growing pumpkins on an angled trellis along a building, wall, or fence. The benefit here, in addition to saving space, is that the vines are off the ground and this reduces problems with mold and other diseases. Vines, when grown on a trellis, will shade the building or window, deck or driveway, relieving residents from the onslaught of summer heat.

Most farmers markets will offer a wide range of varieties to choose from. When choosing any winter squash from a farmer’s stand, test the skin with your thumbnail. It should feel hard, solid, and almost impenetrable. The end of the vine should be dry and wrinkled; the small piece of vine will often fall off as the squash matures more in storage. The base end should also feel very dry. Choosing zucchini that are fully ripened and properly cured ensures that they will keep well through the winter. An added benefit of fully ripe squash is that its seeds will be plump and ready to roast and serve as a snack.

Squash that is not fully ripe will not store well over winter: the ends will begin to shrivel and soften and then the stinky rot will set in. However, when you have an unripe winter squash, you can still use it in the kitchen and turn it into another delicious and super easy dish.

Just cut in half (or quarters) and scoop out the seeds (don’t bother saving the green seeds for snacks, they don’t have meat). Then cut it into 1.5″ thick slices.

In a small bowl, mix together some garlic (puree or dry powder), salt, and oil. Brush this mixture on, coating both sides of each slice. Place on a baking sheet and grill for 3-8 minutes per side, or until meat is tender. This makes a great side dish for just about any meal you’re serving.

Alternatively, fill the oven with as many green squash as you can fit in there (for better use of the heat) and once cooled, store to 1 cup. square containers 1/4 tsp. of the fruit puree with a little hot water in the dog’s dish and watch the puppies’ joy begin!

There are many ways to use a bumper pumpkin crop. Our cookbook, From One Small Garden, has numerous recipes for using mature winter squashes and their seeds.

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