Points to consider when choosing tiles for bathroom and kitchen

When it comes to planning, designing, and choosing products for the rooms in a home, perhaps the kitchen and bathroom require more careful planning than the others.

After all, they are the most used rooms and, more importantly, the wet rooms in the house.

Even the slightest slip in the planning of these rooms could result in irreparable damage to the structure of the building, its walls, interior woodwork and all nearby furniture and accessories. These and the danger of leaks and fungus in the walls that make your house ugly and weak, make it necessary to choose carefully the construction products used.

When planning wet rooms like the kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, and other wet areas like swimming pools and ponds, it’s prudent to make sure these rooms and areas have the best tile, grout, faucets, and other plumbing.

When choosing any tile, whether it’s bathroom floor tiles or kitchen floor tiles, the first thing most designers or homebuyers look for is its appearance. The mosaics definitely have to reflect the taste and style of the person. They become your statement in life. The right type of tile sets the mood for you and your family. They emit adequate energy that you need during the day.

The next and the most important thing that one should keep in mind while selecting tiles is their functionality. The chosen tiles must be able to withstand hot and humid conditions, depending on the room in which they are placed, the climate of the place where the building is located, etc.

Ease of cleaning and firm grip are two other important factors to consider when selecting tiles for bathrooms and kitchens. Firm-grip or rather non-slip tiles are essential for kitchen and bathroom floors. But what do you check when buying tiles for the kitchen wall or for the bathroom?

Here the grip is not taken into account, but the ease of cleaning. Kitchen walls tend to accumulate a lot of dirt. Therefore, constant cleaning is necessary to keep the kitchen hygienic. Once again, ceramic tiles, when placed in kitchens or bathrooms, have to be able to withstand the heat and humidity to which they will be subjected.

Another factor that you may want to consider when choosing kitchen and bathroom wall and floor tiles is their color. The right color sets the tone for the room. If the rooms receive little natural light, a lighter shade of tiles will help make the room brighter. Conversely, if a lot of bright natural light is coming into the room, choosing the right tile color will help keep the room looking fresh and help reduce glare.

Let’s now look at some types of tiles that you have available in the market as an option for tiles.

Travertine tiles for bathrooms and kitchens: They usually come in colors ranging from creams to browns, all natural colors. They look great both indoors and outdoors.

They also feel cool on a hot day and can also take the cold without cracking.

Slate Tiles for Bathrooms and Kitchens: These are usually available in grey, but sometimes also in orange and black. Gray tiles remain a very popular choice for wet areas due to their natural texture and water resistance capabilities.

Sandstone Tiles for Bathrooms and Kitchens: They have been a popular choice for wall tiles since ancient times. These tiles, with their natural tones, don’t mind being exposed to heat for fear of losing color or developing cracks. However, being very porous, they are not waterproof and will require proper sealing.

Granite tiles for bathrooms and kitchens: they are extremely durable but also quite expensive.

Limestone tiles for bathrooms and kitchens: These tiles are very resistant and usually have light colors. They reflect light and are therefore cool even on hot days.

Soapstone Tiles for Bathrooms and Kitchens: Water, acids or chemicals do not usually damage soapstone. These tiles are highly resistant to heat and are an excellent choice for damp exteriors and humid interiors.

Apart from natural stone, you can also choose porcelain or ceramic.

Porcelain Stoneware for Bathrooms and Kitchens: They are less expensive than natural stone tiles. They are also more resistant to water and have the ability to withstand very cold temperatures.

However, stains are used in the manufacture of porcelain tile, so it would be best to choose a tile that is lighter in tone to ensure long-lasting color.

Ceramic Tiles for Bathrooms and Kitchens: These are better suited for walls than floors because they are not as strong as other available flooring materials.

With so much to choose from, be thorough in your research and identify the best tiles for your kitchen and bathrooms.

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