Premature ejaculation: how to prevent it and last longer

What is the premature ejaculation?

Premature Ejaculation is simply the occurrence of the male orgasm before it is desired, there is no absolute time limit, it totally depends on the couple. Ejaculation could be considered premature if it occurs after less than 20 minutes of intercourse; on the other hand, three minutes might be fine. On average, men last about three minutes from penetration to ejaculation.

What are the main causes of premature ejaculation?

it is not strange Premature ejaculation is quite common in men, about a third of men suffer from it and most men experience it at least once in their life.

Masturbation Men generally do their best to reach orgasm as quickly as possible when they masturbate, this can condition you not to last as long when you’re having real sex.

Anxiety and Stress Anxiety can be a huge psychological factor when it comes to premature ejaculation. Some men may feel anxious about their performance in the bag, especially if they lack experience. Any nervousness will make it more difficult to focus on prolonging the orgasm and performing well.

13 things you can do about it

thicker condoms Using thicker condoms is a good solution as it reduces sensation and provides better protection against STDs. Never “double bag” (use two condoms at the same time), this can increase the chance of condom failure.

condoms to enhance performance Condoms are available with a performance-enhancing chemical in the lubricant called benzocaine. Benzocaine increases sexual performance by numbing the penis, reducing sensation, and ultimately allowing it to last longer.

masturbation practice Practice makes perfect! When you get close to orgasm during masturbation, stop and squeeze the base of the penis or just below the head of the penis (the freanulum), continue again once you are ready. Each time, try to last longer than before. You can also try incorporating some of the other tips mentioned in this article. Over time, you should be able to last almost indefinitely, however, you should keep in mind that sex is generally much more exciting than masturbation, so you probably won’t be able to perform as well as you would in your practice sessions.

imagining something mundane This may help, however it is not the best solution, it will reduce the intensity and possibly lead to temporary impotence.

remove it Anticipate when you are about to reach orgasm and take it out early. After a few moments, when the penis softens a bit, you can continue.

Breathe / Relax If you’re approaching climax too quickly, breathe in and out slowly and try to relax your body as much as you can. The body tenses up as you approach orgasm, relaxing can help slow your progress as long as you haven’t passed the point of no return.

stop start The stop start method is quite simple, remove regularly and wait a moment before continuing, you will be able to last much longer without constant stimulation.

Communication By communicating to your partner how close you are to climaxing, you will be able to slow down or stop until you are ready to continue.

Second round! Men usually last longer the second time. If you ejaculate too soon and have lost your erection, you can always engage in other types of sexual activity, such as oral sex, to keep your partner stimulated while you recover.

Experiment with the position You’ll find that some positions are more stimulating than others, so it’s a good idea to experiment with them to find one that doesn’t bring you to orgasm too quickly.

Perform Kegels (pelvic floor exercises) Although the Kegel is an exercise that is practiced more frequently by women, men can also benefit from it. Kegel exercises recruit various muscles in the pelvic diaphragm, including the pubococcygeus muscle. Studies have shown that greater control over the pelvic muscles will not only help with premature ejaculation problems, but can also promote stronger erections and restore erectile function in those suffering from erectile dysfunction.

The scrotal sweater As a man approaches orgasm, the scrotum rises toward the body and semen moves toward the penis. It has been found that gently pulling the scrotum down and away from the body for a few seconds can relieve overstimulation and prevent premature ejaculation.

pre-masturbation Masturbating a bit before sex can help some people perform better, and as noted above, men can usually last longer the second time around. Only try this if you’re fairly young; Otherwise, you may not be able to have an orgasm again or maintain an erection when you have sex.

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