Private Loans: How to Use Postcards and Letters to Get Private Lenders

So within the real estate investment marketing program you have a small postcard and templates for a large postcard that has a second page. You can modify this to suit your needs. Obviously you would go in there and put your name and phone number. You can change this as you like.

problem, agitation, solution If you want to put something about your business or mention the area you’re investing in or something like that, that’s fine. You can change all the text. Remember to try to stick with the formula: problem, agitation, solution. I think you will find it to be a very productive formula.

Testimonials You can post testimonials. We talked about that in the credibility kit. If you’ve put together your credibility kit, you should certainly have a vault of testimonials that you can go back to and mine one or two. Make it very short and condensed, but you can put a testimonial here. We have a large postcard that you can also send. It’s basically asking the person if they want more information. Then, as I mentioned, we now have a postcard from Jim saying that he wants to buy apartment buildings. He has modified this so that he will fit into apartment buildings.

letters The letters are very similar, and we can get through this relatively quickly. The letters are no different. You are going to send the letters, but it will be in the second or third mailing. Don’t do it in the first. Cards will generally cost you between $0.75 and $1.00 per card. Obviously it will be more expensive. So you want to make sure the list is a good one and that your letter is well thought out and prepared to be as effective as possible.

mailing lists What we recommend is that you purchase a listing from a national listing broker. In their brochure, two are mentioned. InfoUSA is a national player in this market selling lists and MelissaData. I have given you the website of both entities. You would call or email them or go to their websites and describe what you want: city, county, zip code, whatever you want. You want people with a high net worth, say over $500,000, maybe a net worth of over a million dollars.

You would define that list and they would tell you how many people qualify under those criteria. It may be 500, 1,000, or even 10,000, who knows. So you can buy as many names as you want. Names cost 4, 5, 6 cents, maybe 10 cents, something of that nature. They are usually not very expensive.

The list house will allow you to purchase that list in many different formats. You can buy it in an Excel spreadsheet, which is probably the preferred method. It will be sent to you as a hard copy. You can then send them as labels that you would peel and stick on the cards. We usually prefer to do it in Excel format because you can then mail it to them a second, third, and fourth time, and you can edit the list as you discover certain people no longer live there. It allows you to do that. If you buy it in hard copy, it’s a one-time deal and you’re done.

We prefer that you do it in Excel format. Put it on your computer and then as you get returns it will clean up that list.

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