Proven and profitable ideas to make money

With an entrepreneurial spirit, perhaps you could be thinking of making money with ideas that are proven and profitable on the internet that you can use for a living. Online business continues to be an evolving tool for making money. Everyone has predicted a great technological collapse and, in fact, it is already happening.

According to in 2017, “There will be more internet traffic than all previous internet years combined. Wi-Fi and connected mobile devices will generate 68% of all internet traffic in 2017.”

More statistics show that “E-commerce retail sales worldwide will reach $1.915 trillion on this alone, according to There are several ways people can make money online.”

Internet business brings relaxation and comfort to people running their own business while sitting at home or traveling the world. Electronic commerce refers to the online operation of businesses where all transactions are accepted through the World Wide Web.

Online sales in the United States are forecast to reach $523 billion over the next five years. This represents a 56% increase from $335 billion in 2015, with mobile devices expected to be a key leader in that growth, says Forrester Research Inc.

The Department of Commerce’s Census Bureau announced “that the estimate for US e-commerce retail sales for the third quarter of 2016 was $101.3 billion, an increase of 4.0 percent from to the second quarter of 2016. Total retail sales worldwide for the third quarter quarter, was estimated at $1,212.5 billion, an increase of 0.9 percent from the second quarter of 2016.”

With the collapse of the tech boom in full swing, should you even try to start an online business, let alone launch a new business in 2017? My answer? Absolutely.

On the Internet, there are unlimited things that can be done to earn money. It depends on the individual how much they can benefit from these online opportunities. The trend is constantly evolving with innovative business ideas.

The beginning of a new year means a great interest in new and exciting things, as we look forward to the year that is brewing. The year 2017 is also likely to see some changes with some money making ideas not being in demand and new ones emerging.

Learning how to make money online with an e-business is one of the most proven and profitable money-making ideas dominating the economy. Facebook now has 1.55 billion active users and there are 2.9 billion searches on Google every day. With this data, there is endless opportunity for the common person looking to create money online.

In this article, I have researched some of the businesses that will be profitable in the next 5 years. While technology may be in decline, the world continually has room for proven, cost-effective, and innovative products and services.

Proven and profitable ideas to make money


If you have a particular topic that you are interested in and passionate about, then you can start a blog on that topic. Blogging is one of the fastest growing business trends on the web and the best part is that it is an information-based business.

Many people in today’s world make money by having their own blogs and websites. Generally, on these blogs and websites, they are putting valuable and thought-provoking information that other people are interested in. The science is simple; The higher the number of visitors, the more money you can earn through advertising and other revenue.

This works much like TV, where more audience means more ads, and at a higher rate. This is one of the most well-known and informal techniques for generating income online and it doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon. Don’t worry about technicalities, programming, etc. You also won’t need to invest a penny to get started as there are free platforms you can use such as Blogger and WordPress which is the most trusted blogging platform since 2004.

eCommerce store

Another proven and profitable idea to start an Internet business is to maintain an online store. You can provide products to your customers online. Yes, you can set up an e-commerce or online retail store and you can start this online business from home without even owning a single product. You can sell just about anything, from books, clothing, and electronics to household items, through wholesale dropshipping or by setting up an affiliate store with Amazon or eBay.

You can even sell anything from custom cakes to used items and even new products that you created on your own. With this type of business idea, people receive payments mainly through credit cards or PayPal accounts. It is entirely up to you as some people prefer to collect payment upon delivery of the products.

In the online store, you can offer a wide range of products in one place and keep customers engaged with new products or services. On the other hand, if you are creating products from scratch, you need to maintain good relationships with your suppliers so that your business can be successful.

affiliate marketing

Becoming an affiliate marketer means that you will be promoting other people’s products and services through a blog or online store. How it works is that every time there is a sale, you will get a commission. The most exciting fact here is that you don’t even need a penny of your own money to start it and you can partner with some of the biggest companies in the world. The first company I would recommend for you to start online is your own affiliate marketing business.

internet marketing services

Serving people to help attract visitors to their websites can be a great online business with great earning potential. Examples of services you may provide include pay-per-click (PPC) advertising services, blog marketing services, article marketing services, guest blogging, link building services, etc.

Doing business on the web can be challenging because things often change quickly online. This idea allows you to help other online entrepreneurs like yourself to keep up with the latest trends in internet marketing.


This is comparable to a blog, but in video form. Basically, turn on your video camera, feel free to use your tablet, and just talk! The best vloggers talk about a specific focus or niche. Vlogging on a topic that tweens or teens are interested in is more likely to gain a large following quickly.

Some popular topics include makeup, fashion, music, games, and how-to videos. The strategy to make money from these vlogs is to get a lot of followers and then get sponsored on the platform you post the videos on, like YouTube or Vimeo. You can also earn money through advertising.

Ebook Publishing

The information business allows you to identify people’s problems and provide a solution in the form of an electronic book. Any writing style on any subject can be used with this method. If you love to write and have some marketing skills, then you can venture into writing self-published e-books.

Educational Products

People will always be willing to pay for education. A good example is university education. A four-year public college costs around $20,000, and a private college can generate an income of $50,000 per year. Despite the outrageously high prices, people are eager to give the money. Why? Because a college education pays off. Right? Well, most of the time it is.

However, some disagreements, and with recent improvements in the educational platform, the traditional university model is being dismantled or unequivocally discontinued. The cause of these interruptions are startups like Udemy and Teachable, these platforms allow people to share their knowledge and benefit from it.

You don’t need a platform to sell your knowledge. You can self-publish a book, create a video training session, or teach others how to earn money. People will gladly pay to learn a new skill, shape their lifestyle, earn new money, impress their friends with their knowledge, and significantly change their lives. If you have something to offer others, start teaching.

Graphic design

There are many graphic designers on the web that offer free and paid services. However, if you plan to thrive in this capacity online, helping a specific niche target audience will be the most profitable for you. Suppose your niche is music and you have good graphic design skill, you can launch an online graphic design business that focuses on graphic design for musicians or singers. You can also choose to focus on infographic design, e-book cover design, album cover designs, etc.

Implementing your ideas as an online business is a great way to start your business if you are short on capital. You need to have a proven and profitable online business idea to start your business. Starting and operating an online business is the new normal these days and it continues to rise in popularity.

If you have any ideas that can be transformed to suit the online business model, then by all means do your research and get started, the opportunities are endless!

If I didn’t mention any other profitable ideas, be sure to leave them in the comments below.

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