Retweet or favorite? one is better than the other

Over the years, popular life, mind, and purely dark 140-character or less casting site Twitter has continued to evolve. First, it all started as an “internet texting” site in the era before “smart” smartphones. Around 2009-2010, Twitter became a popular app that made it easy for people to let us know how their sandwich was or how good a workout they just got, even when we didn’t want to know about it. During that time, people were more likely to reply to a tweet or retweet it just to show how much they cared or not. Then, in the last year or so, Twitter released a new feature: favour.

In today’s fast-paced world, sometimes favoring a tweet seems easier some days. All you have to do is click the little “star” icon and you’re on your way. What good is it though? No one else apart from the tweeter can see that you’ve favorited their tweet. You don’t open it for your followers to send it to theirs and so on. Kill a tweet. It falls like a rock into a pond. If the original people’s followers don’t see it right away, then what good is a “favorite”?

So which is the better option: reply or retweet? Well, honestly, a retweet not only increases the presence of the original tweeters on Twitter, but it also has the possibility of increasing your presence. A retweet can do many different things. First, you can show emotion in the form of happiness because the tweet in question may have made you laugh, smile, or just feel that someone else could benefit from seeing it. Second, it can help a growing business grow faster.

When someone retweets a link, they create the link back to the web page that was originally tweeted. Lastly, it gives you a better chance of gaining more followers that you didn’t know or couldn’t find before. A retweet is like putting your work on the bulletin board in grade school. It’s there for everyone to see when they walk by, even if they don’t actually know you.

A favorite is literally the gold star. You know it’s there, but no one else knows. You care that you got one, but no one else does.

So what about the answer? What are they for in the whole Twitter scheme? To tell the truth, they serve as a direct connection between a tweeter and a tweeter. You can “personally” praise something or ask a question without any negative ramifications. If you didn’t completely like what the tweet said, you can simply reply and in the conversation thread, people can still find the link, giving the original tweet its comeuppance. It doesn’t work in the same way as a retweet, but it can have similar effects.

In general, Twitter is controlled by the user. They decide whether or not they want to do any of these three things. However, as an avid Twitter user, you should be encouraged to get people to retweet links more than anything else. Help your fellow tweeters and retweet their news to your followers. Even if not everyone wants that information, you are still giving others the choice to follow the link or not.

So get out there and tweet. There are only 140 characters to express your thought.

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