Risk management calculated for a successful start-up

What is risk management?

Basically, it is about taking risks for its start-up in a controlled environment. So when you take a chance, you have a backup plan to cover the fire in case you run out of ammunition in the war zone (market). This is known as Risk Management in the startup world. I will give a brilliant example.

A person has just started a small online mobile accessories business. You know there is already enough market that you need to compete with to reach your customers. So before you get into the game, you need to understand that your product is unique and cheap at the same time. Now if the product is cheap; how it can be unique. For this particular purpose, you need to visit the wholesale markets. When you find what you need, the next step is to order in bulk. Now when you sell your item online; sooner or later you will get customers. But what matters is that you took a chance by placing a bulk order; at the same time, he investigated uniqueness and price control. This is exactly what is known as Risk Management in the startup world.

Any new business in this world fails only when the credit line runs out. So it’s completely clear that money is the lifeblood of your startup. What needs your attention is Risk Management to control expenses? How can you do that?

1) STOP STUPID SPENDING: – You are not here to impress your girlfriend on a date. Don’t be a braggart, no one needs to know your spending power. Your customers are only looking for a brilliant product with good services. They’re not here to see its expensive machinery, its high-wage employees, and its mind-blowing infrastructure. This is a big NO. It is the initial phase; focus only on good products, good services, and amazing marketing. That’s all you need.

2) Don’t run blindfolded: – Another stupid reason for a startup failure is when it keeps spending on the wrong product or service without looking for the market survey report. Why? You could lose a great fortune for that. Your clients are looking for something else and you are not ready to see that with their eyes open, instead you choose to cover your eyes like a horse and run straight. Look around you and understand that your market is not intimidated by a product or service that you like. Understand what the market needs, the customer’s demands, and work accordingly.

I’m not saying don’t take chances. I’m just saying don’t take one without a plan.

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