Run your business like you drive your car

I have been teaching my son to drive recently. If you remember when you were learning, you may remember that it is difficult to look at the road and look at anything else at the same time.

If you look at something to the right of the road, your steering wheel turns in that direction. If you see an oncoming car, the steering wheel turns in that direction. My driving instructor told me that’s normal, that whatever you look at will lead you to. That’s true. And he also said that with practice you get used to separating the action of looking and moving. And it does.

The same can be said for your business.

When you start, they drag you in many directions. It can be very difficult to figure out where to look with so much around you.

But the truth is, running your business is a lot like driving a car.

You need to focus on the only road you are driving on, while managing the distractions around you, so they don’t get in your way.

You need to plan your way to get from point A to point B.

And then you need to be vigilant and manage distractions along the way to keep moving forward.

Sometimes there is a little distraction, like someone walking along the road.

Sometimes there is a great distraction, such as a detour or an accident.

But they are all manageable. Maybe you just need to acknowledge some of the distractions and move on. You may need to swerve to get out of the way, but you still keep going.

And a traffic jam? When something slows you down, you have to look for that alternative route that can bring you closer to your B-point.

There are many ways your business looks like your life. Stopping to make a comparison that helps explain things can be a good way to put perspective on what seems like a long way or an impossible problem.

Learning to do anything takes time and practice, and your business is no exception.

None of us go into business knowing everything, and yet many people think we should know everything.

Worse still, some people don’t realize that training is necessary to learn how to run a business properly and profitably. Imagine never having taken a driving lesson! Finding out things as you go can only get you so far.

It’s so much easier to invest in a little training so you know WHY you’re doing certain things, and so you can learn techniques and tools that will lead you to success more quickly.

Learn from someone who can teach you the important parts, and then just like driving, once you learn it, you will be alone. There are so many moving parts to your business, and learning how to use them correctly is essential to its success.

And I don’t know about you, but I love the idea of ​​getting in the car and deciding where I want to go and when. I am independent and do not need anyone else to tell me which way to go.

And that’s why I also love running my own business. I make my own decisions, I trace my own path. And I handle my own distractions. And I love it!

So let’s recap:

  1. Plan your way
  2. Manage distractions and detours
  3. Learn from an expert
  4. Get in your car and go!

Remember that you are your own boss, but you still need to learn how to do it. Don’t be disappointed thinking you can learn it as you go. By doing so, you will slow down your path to success. Learn and move in the right direction, with the right tools, right now!

Get the skills you need and voila! Start here … see you on the road!

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