Selection of car charger for mobile phone

While universal cell phone car chargers have become a reality, they may not work with old cell phones, so it may be necessary to purchase a dedicated car charger from your phone manufacturer if your phone is broken or misplaced. that came with your phone. . Many people use car phone chargers during long trips away from home for vacations or business. There really is no need to lose power due to a dead cell phone battery when you can carry a charger in your car.

There are actually four different types of cell phone car chargers on the market – five if you count the newly developed universal car chargers that should work with just about any phone. These chargers are basically direct current or DC cables that connect to your car’s cigarette light to recharge your phone while driving. Many of today’s newer cars no longer have cigarette lighters or ashtrays as standard equipment. However, most manufacturers install cigarette lighter plugs, now called axillary plugs, somewhere on the dash and sometimes even in the back seat. Use them to plug in your car charger.

Decide what type of charger you want. In other words, do you want the DC cable eliminator type, which allows you to make phone calls without using the battery? However, it won’t charge your phone either. A fast charger allows you to charge your phone’s battery and use it at the same time. These chargers, however, are subject to overheating and burning the cell if you leave it plugged in all day.

A third variety is called a cell phone in car charger and it works just like fast chargers except it won’t burn out or overheat your cell phone battery. It will charge while you use your phone and it comes with a sensor that stops charging the device when the battery is full. It also turns off the DC cable preventing it from damaging your cell phone.

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