skate culture

Skateboarding culture has developed over the years and is an extremely diverse fusion of surf culture, punk culture, street culture, hip hop culture, and hard rock culture.

You can see how all the different threads blend into what is now a firmly entrenched skate culture. It has taken most of the cool elements from these genres and created its own identity.

It initially drew heavily from surf culture in the 1950s and 1960s, due to the fact that skateboarding grew out of surfing. So he used a lot of the same slang terms that are still in use today, and the whole spirit was tied to the strings of the surfing apron.

As punk culture grew and skateboarding culture moved away from its roots to embrace this, skateboarding began to be seen as rebellious, and this came across in his attitude and clothing. The punk influence is still there now, especially in the type of shirts skaters wear.

As punk morphed into forms of hard rock, this hard edge became apparent.

More fusion happened when street culture embraced skateboarding, and then hip hop culture had a big influence on it, from the clothes, to how you wear your clothes, how you act and move. It’s exciting to see how all the different aspects merge into this fantastic and strong identity that skateboarding now has.

Skateboarding culture is now a thriving and ever-evolving subculture, one that has movement, clothing, music, and attitude at the heart of it.

As the music and clothing subtly change, so does the appearance of the skaters, although their identity is now an extremely strong appearance, and any changes from this will be a very gradual process.

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