soulmate limbo sucks

Soulmate limbo is a very difficult place to exist. Actually, being in any kind of relationship limbo sucks, but especially when you’re in limbo waiting for your soulmate to get their act together. You feel like you can’t move on with your life, because you don’t know what your soulmate is doing regarding your relationship. You will often find yourself in soulmate limbo when you haven’t heard from your soulmate in a few weeks or more. You can also get stuck in soulmate limbo after a breakup, if you believe and really know, your soulmate will come back to you.

When you’re stuck in soulmate limbo, you need to focus your attention, attitude, and energy on getting unstuck. For most soulmate relationships, this is easier said than done. If you are in a relationship where the soulmate connection is strong, it can even be quite painful for you to be in soulmate limbo. Soulmate separation anxiety can become extreme when you are stuck in soulmate limbo because not only are you without your soulmate, but you have no idea what the heck is going on with them. All attempts, on their part, to communicate with them have gone unanswered and they have obviously chosen to ignore it. Ignoring someone is one of the rudest things they can do because it shows you how little they care about you.

When we realize you’re stuck in soulmate limbo, we have to ask you, what are you doing for yourself and your life? Are you waiting for the phone to ring or for a text message to appear? Are you counting the days since the last communication and wonder if you will ever hear from your guy again? Change your approach. Instead of focusing on him and what he may or may not be doing, focus on you and what you should be doing.

Are you stuck in soulmate limbo because you need to learn your soulmate lessons? Very often we will see these relationships go to limbo because one of you, or even both of you, are not working on what needs to be addressed for your own personal growth. Soulmate relationships are not always about growing together, although relationship growth certainly happens when you share your time and energy together. And that will come again, once you are out of limbo. Are you supposed to be learning something new? Are you supposed to focus on a career change? Are you supposed to focus on transforming a part of yourself, either physically or spiritually, which needs to happen before your relationship can get moving again?

Being stuck in soulmate limbo sucks. You have not heard from your soul mate and you wonder if you will ever hear from them again. If your soul mate has ended your relationship, you may be wondering if you will ever get back together. Every soulmate relationship is different and quite often a different tactic will be required to try and fix it. Lady Sarah and Sophia Elise are soulmate specialists with over fifty years of combined experience helping people resolve their love and relationship issues. A soulmate reading will help you see why you are trapped in soulmate limbo and what, if anything, you can do to free it.

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