Stand Up Paddle Boarding: What is it about?

Stand-up paddle boarding, also known as stand-up paddle boarding or SUP, is a relatively new water sport and continues to grow in popularity. It is, as the name implies, an activity in which you stand on a surfboard and use a long paddle to move on the water. It can be practiced in calm water, challenging waves and everything in between. Read on to find out more about what this action camera should look like and what equipment you need to make it.

The development of stand up paddle boarding

Stand-up paddleboarding began in the 1960s in Hawaii. Wanting to supervise and take pictures of their surf students and needing a high angle to do so, the “Beach Boys” decided to stand on their surfboards and use their canoe paddles to glide across the water.

Moving forward from the 1960s, SUP has been embraced by athletes looking for a good core workout. During the low swell, the surfers also found it a good training activity and ended up enjoying it so much that they participated in sport-specific events and competitions. Some surfers have converted to stand up paddle boarding because it is easier for them to see incoming waves. This leads them to actively catch more waves, and how can that be a bad thing? Today’s cyclists looking for a challenge even take up the sport on rushing rivers, navigating rapids and other obstacles.

For average people, SUP has gained popularity as it is much easier to learn than traditional surfing. A quick lesson will get them on their feet and they will stay there. An interesting fact to keep in mind: women tend to find this sport easier due to their lower center of gravity.

SUP for beginners can be a great sport on the lake or flat water as it elevates the rider’s vantage point making it easier to see sights such as wildlife and the beautiful seascape.

stand up paddle boarding equipment

The main piece of equipment required for stand up paddle boarding is the board itself. It is possible to use a regular surfboard, but it is recommended to get your hands on a board made specifically for SUP. These boards tend to be longer, wider and offer more stability. They usually have a foam core, surrounded by an epoxy resin. More recently, even inflatable boards have appeared on the scene.

Next you need a palette. Most oars are made of carbon, fiberglass, or wood and consist of a handle and blade shaft. When choosing a paddle, look for one that is about 6 inches taller than you are.

If you’re just getting started in stand-up paddleboarding, you’ll probably want to rent your equipment. Entry level boards can cost around $600 and higher end boards go up to $2000. A decent paddle will run you around $100.

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