Suicide in modern entertainment

To kick off the new year, YouTube star Logan Paul released a video showing the dead body of a suicide victim. This video sparked many feelings, including a recurring plot, The Encouragement to Suicide in Modern Entertainment. Some parents believe that modern media extol suicide. From 13 Reasons Why to The Game of Thrones, almost every TV show portrays a graphic suicide scene. Parents believe that these scenes tell children that the only way to solve their problems is to commit suicide. Others believe that suicide is a real life problem and the media only show it without an intentional motive.

I believe that art imitates life. The media cannot glamorize suicide unless people are already thinking that suicide is a “glamorous thing.” Even though people are yelling and advocating against it, it could be that suicide has become a trend among younger generations. In this case, the younger generation should be educated about the aftermath of suicide.

Perhaps they see a funeral or memorial and enjoy the same attention and fame that comes from death. The problem here is that; these people do not stop to think about what is really going on around them when they kill themselves. After all, they don’t see depressed parents getting divorced because they can’t handle the loss of their child. They fail to see that the deceased’s siblings often fall into life-altering vices to deal with death. A reorientation of the younger generation is necessary to destroy this new tendency to suicide.

The media portrays suicide in an almost silly way. Mature children watch suicide scenes and say, “Why did he kill himself? He had family and friends who really cared about him. They could have done this and this to solve his problems.” The media is struggling to show that most suicides are in vain. The warnings are contained in their descriptions, but these warnings only seem to grab the attention of people looking for a new TV series to start watching. However, the media does not attempt to desensitize suicide. You are simply trying to draw the world’s attention to a problem that needs to be solved. In any case, suicide is a matter of national importance and should be treated as such.

Take, for example, that there were no television shows or books that described suicide. Suicide would not be discussed or considered an international problem. Suicide would simply occur, and after a brief period of mourning, families, friends, and the general public would simply move on and not draw the attention of others to the fact that had just happened. So in a way, which has not yet been accepted by the older generation, modern entertainment represents suicide in a good way and in no way glamorizes or encourages it. Raises awareness about the issue and gives reasons for agencies around the world to look for ways to reduce the annual suicide rate.

Then everything falls to the interpretation of the audience. Suicide in modern entertainment should not be copied or emulated. It serves as a warning to the general public.

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