The 3-Day Tuna Diet: Can You Really Lose Weight in Three Days on a Low Calorie Diet?

You may have heard of the 3 day tuna diet and how it can make you lose 10 to 15 pounds fast. You may be so desperate to lose weight, but before you jump on this diet, there are some important things you really need to know.

The Three Day Tuna Diet is one of today’s favorite crash diets. Many people assume that there is no health risk with short diets like this. However, low-calorie diets often have adverse effects on your body’s metabolism. By using this type of diet, you may gain weight later and probably gain back more weight than you actually lost.

This is not a healthy diet as it stars your body. You only get about 978 calories per day. Low calorie diets will starve you for the first day. You’ll know after starting the three-day tuna diet. You will feel sluggish, you will feel cold no matter how many blankets you have, and some people even dream of food dancing right in front of them when they wake up. These symptoms are indications that your body is in starvation mode.

The 3 Day Tuna Diet is almost similar to a very low calorie diet or VLCD for short. The duration of three days is just an illusion. The truth is that you will be on and off this diet for a month.

This type of crash diet consists of eating foods that are not balanced and will not help you lose weight permanently. This diet only allows you small amounts of fish and chicken, some peanut butter, some vegetables, and an apple for dinner. If you follow all that, then you can also eat ice cream, which is not really a healthy diet.

A large portion of the three-day tuna diet is made up of refined carbohydrates that have little or no nutritional value. When you eat very low calorie foods that contain some bread and sugars, your food cravings essentially increase because there is more insulin production when we eat these carbohydrates.

Low calorie diets will only give you food cravings. After dieting for three days, you will most likely end up eating unhealthy foods for the rest of the week, as you are free to eat whatever you want. Studies done in the 1970s have shown that, on average, the 3-day tuna dieter will eventually gain as much as eight pounds within a few weeks of ending the diet. It may help him lose a few pounds at first, but in the end he will most likely gain back the weight he lost or gain back even more.

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