The Best Way to Gain Muscle Mass – 3 Secret Tips

There are many myths and misconceptions about building muscle that could be slowing down your progress. However, today I’m going to reveal 3 little-known muscle building tactics that actually work, including the best way to gain muscle mass.

Okay, so let’s get started.

1. The best way to gain muscle mass is to push yourself and train like a “barbarian.” Train like every set and rep is your last, speed up between exercises, and keep your rest periods even and honest. By doing this, you are increasing your intensity, which will allow you to get in better shape and build big muscles. Too often, people in the gym wander from one exercise to another, barely breaking a sweat, and then complain that they’re not getting the results. Bottom line, if you want to bulk up and bulk up fast, you need to push yourself in the gym. (Note: By upping your intensity during a workout, you’ll actually spend much less time in the gym but see much better results.)

2. Make sure to incorporate the two “animal exercises”. The squat and the deadlift. Bodybuilders all over the world use both of these training techniques and claim that they are primarily responsible for huge gains in muscle mass. The reason for this is that the squat and deadlift put a lot of pressure and strain on the body, causing huge spikes in hormone levels. Thus creating the perfect conditions for optimal muscle growth. Bottom line, if you’re not incorporating these two “bad boy” muscle-building techniques, then you’re really missing out.

3. Make sure you are putting the right foods and supplements into your body. Not surprisingly, what we put into our bodies has a huge direct impact on how we look and feel. Because of this, it is very important that what enters our body is suitable for muscle growth. Make sure you eat at least 6 meals a day that are 45% carbs, 35% protein, and 20% fat. Also, make sure at least half of your meals are real whole foods. (I mean, not just protein shakes.) Supplements are also good for the body, but only the right ones. Like protein shakes, creatine powder, multivitamins, and fish oil capsules.

Ok, now you know the best way to gain muscle mass. It’s up to you to follow this advice and build the type of body you want. Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

If you want much more information on how to build muscle then visit the website below.

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