The body: a vital part of language

As linguists, we often talk about languages: how to learn them, tricks to retain them, and the culture that is connected to them, all in an effort to become fluent. However, the interconnected web of language and communication is never complete without body language. That’s right, the effective use of body language plays a key role in communication. And interpretations vary from country to country, culture to culture, so it’s vital for language learning as a whole. In fact, some researchers conclude that “nonverbal communication accounts for the majority of information transmitted during interpersonal interactions.”

People constantly send silent messages through body movements, facial expressions, tone of voice and volume. Whether it’s a small hand gesture or a certain posture, subtle involuntary movements register immediately and can have lasting repercussions.

There is some controversy surrounding the theory that body language is universal, however, most people can agree that there are some body language tips to keep in mind when dealing with people in the everyday life in the United States.

strike a pose

Do you need to feel safe when you feel shy? It’s time to strike a pose. Amy Cuddy, a Harvard Business School professor and social psychologist, found that simply holding the body in “high-power” expansive poses, such as lying with your feet on your desk and your hands behind your head, or with your hands on the hips, or with legs and arms wide open for two minutes, it stimulates the hormones. Power poses specifically increase testosterone, which is related to power and dominance, and reduce cortisol, the stress hormone. You appear more confident and, according to the study, people are more influenced by how they feel about you than by what you say.


A smile directly influences how others respond to you. They make us feel better about ourselves and make us seem more approachable. When we see someone smile, we think that they are more cooperative and trustworthy. Best of all, smiles that breed smiles improve everyone’s emotional state, something we all need. speak softly

speak softly

A relaxed voice evokes images of a relaxed and confident person. If his pitch goes up at the end of sentences, it sounds like he’s asking a question or isn’t sure what he’s saying. One way to sound more authoritative is to start at one level, gently raise the pitch throughout the prize, and lower again at the end. On-screen reporters are good at this type of speech.

Remove barriers to collaboration

Eliminate anything that separates you from the rest of the team. This can even be as simple as a cup of coffee and where you hold it. Is it in front of your body? Is it closer to your face, a clear indicator that you feel insecure? Or is it near waist level, a sign that you are more comfortable?
reach out

Broca’s area of ​​our brain, which is important for speech production, is directly affected when we use our hands when speaking. Gestures go hand in hand with speech and can actually help us form clearer thoughts and greatly improve our verbal content.

Tap to create a link

A powerful nonverbal signal includes touching someone on the arm, hand, or shoulder. Even if it’s only for 1/40th of a second, it creates a strong bond. Most of us are familiar with the traditional handshake, this tactile gesture that leaves a lasting and positive impression. A study showed that people are twice as likely to remember you if you shake their hand. The same study also found that people react to those they shake hands with by being more open and friendly.

listen to the turnout

To increase participation, focus on those who are speaking. Avoid the urge to check your text messages, email, or look at other people. If your head and torso face the person speaking, you show that you are paying attention. Other nonverbal cues to show that you are engaged include leaning forward, nodding, and nodding your head. It’s just as important to make sure people know you’re listening as it is to listen to them.

be a mirror

When we unintentionally imitate another person’s body language, we are saying that we like or agree with them. When we want to establish a relationship with someone, we may intentionally try to imitate someone’s facial and body gestures. When done subtly, we help the other person feel understood and accepted.

The truth is in the sole

Studies show that we can better judge a person’s body language when we can see their entire body. Why? When people who are anxious or emotional try to control their body language, they often forget to control their feet. When stressed, people tend to increase their foot movements; they shuffle, fidget, or kick. We have been instinctively reacting to foot gestures all our lives.

be open to remember

In their book The Definitive Book of Body Language: The Hidden Meaning Behind People’s Gestures and Expressions, Allan and Barbara Pease found that those who listen to lectures while sitting with their arms and legs extended remember more than their counterparts who sit in postures. more defensive with arms and legs crossed. They were essentially less “closed” to remembering what they were hearing. If you meet people who are not open to you, they will not be open to your suggestions and will not be persuaded. If you see yourself bent, you will also not be receptive to new ideas or thoughts.

Whether you’re speaking or listening, these body language tips are sure to come in handy. Keeping them in the middle will help increase your non-verbal impact and improve your communication skills.

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