The Ultimate Dog Training Tip: Not All Dogs Are Created Equal

Many people make a mistake regarding the dog and training: they think that a dog can be trained like the others, worse still, that all breeds can be trained in exactly the same way. Wrong.

One very important training tip to emphasize is that when it comes to dogs and training, not everyone is the same, just as many believe it or not. Each pup has its own unique personality just like humans. And if owners just remembered that important training tip, they might not be as frustrated with their pets’ training.

One dog training tip an experienced trainer once told me was that little ones should be given a different approach to training than bigger ones. Have you ever heard of Napoleonic syndrome? The shorter the… well, let’s leave it at that.

Basically, the little ones are braver in heart if not in mind; they have to compensate for their small sizes. While the bigger ones are just as brave, but they feel like they don’t need to show it because they already have the size and power. So if a trainer observes the quirks of the dog’s personality, he will know what technique to use when training the pet.

The dog trainer went on to prove that not all great dogs are born leaders or alphas. There have been many cases where the smallest of the pack is the leader due to his cunning and intelligence. It also helps if the smaller dog raised the larger dog since he was a puppy. Larger dogs bow to their elders, just like any human. No matter the size, the larger dog can give in to the reasoning of a smaller dog, especially when it comes to stalking. This behavior may be more observable in a household with both small and large dogs living in one household. Usually the big dogs are the muscles and the smaller ones are the ones who devise ways to manipulate humans.

When it comes to dogs and training, these personalities must be observed before the actual training can begin. There are some dogs that refuse to be trained until they see a smaller and older dog doing exactly what the trainer tells them to do. Big dogs wouldn’t want to look stupid in front of smaller dogs, so they go to great lengths to emulate the example of smaller dogs.

Trainers have long observed that most dogs would learn more quickly from the example of older dogs. Just like humans, they learn through observation and example. So don’t get frustrated when what worked for one dog doesn’t work for another. Talk to a trainer and get their opinion on the dog and the training and how best to approach the whole process. Perhaps the dog just needs the guidance of another dog. Usually he does the trick.

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