Time Management Tips: Top 3 Extroverted Strategies to Energize Your Time and Build Enthusiasm

Time management tips that suit your unique temperament are the ultimate energy tools. To select the right tools for your energy type, please complete the questionnaire below. If you find yourself outgoing, you can use these specialized tips to open new doors to productivity and increase your effectiveness.

The strengths of extroverts include their ability to create social environments in which they thrive. In these settings, they cultivate strong professional relationships. Extroverts use their highly developed interpersonal skills to navigate the world of work with ease. Their genuine interest in others helps them listen carefully, gather information, and negotiate.

Quiz: Do you have an outgoing temperament of time and energy?

  1. _____ T / F: I do best when I am actively participating, not passively learning.
  2. _____ T / F: I am excited about group collaborations.
  3. _____ T / F: My creativity is fueled by brainstorming with others.

If you answer these questions with “True”, the 3 tips in this article apply directly to you. Simply put, your outgoing strength multiplies when you expend energy interacting with others. At the same time, you may find that your effectiveness erodes when you work on your own.

3 Ways Extroverts Can Increase Their Productivity

  1. Identify tasks that are difficult or annoying for you and get them done the first time.

    If you turn to others for encouragement before you attend to the pesky details of the project, your end product may suffer. So get over the need to procrastinate. Start with objectionable work and finish at once. Then you can make pleasant and productive use of the rest of the day with a clear conscience.

  2. Recognize introverted coworkers and build on their strengths.

    Avoid the extrovert trap of firing introverts. Use your social intuition to respectfully engage them and learn how they can best contribute to any group effort. Try to cooperatively establish ways to exchange information, perhaps through emails, text messages, or one-on-one sharing. That way, each party’s comfort zone is respected, data is collected, and no one feels trapped or sunk.

  3. Use your outgoing experience to create powerful and enjoyable teams.

    Identify which introverts you work with most easily and delegate tasks that can be handled independently. Encourage your more outgoing coworkers to collaborate and independently develop a team approach that maximizes the potential of each individual.

Since understanding fuels creativity, always be on the lookout for new possibilities as you explore your unique relationships with others. The more accurately you map each employee’s scope of competence, the more creatively you can guide your “smart groups,” as the motto of synergistic work systems. You and your colleagues may be surprised at how dramatically the integrated effectiveness of such collaboration outweighs the sum of its individual parts.

So ask yourself: How can you use your unique outgoing qualities to boost your personal productivity?

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