Top 12 tips for writing a press release

A press release is the standard way to alert the media, and increasingly the online public, about what you’re doing or selling.

The press release (PR) is part of the public relations artillery and should be used wisely. Although mostly written and distributed by public relations professionals, you too can competently write your own public relations if you keep in mind the following 12 key points.

Think about the 5 ‘W’s

The PR mantra is WWWW. Before doing anything, think Who, what, when, where and why. If you don’t include this vital information, it’s a total waste of time.

The first golden paragraph

This is your chance to grab media attention, so make it impactful. The first short paragraph should announce the ‘5’ W’s and the rest of the PR will expand on this.


We call it the ‘news’ because it is ‘new’. What makes your story press-worthy? What’s new in what you’re doing? Is there new research? The media loves stories about anything that’s the biggest, the smallest, the fastest, the world’s first, or the most exciting. Think of all the ways your story is new, include them, and support your claims.


A PR should never be more than two pages of A4 paper. One page is ideal. Keep the font neutral and the design clear: a line spacing of 1.5 is best.


Always include your contact details at the bottom of the PR. That is your full name, phone number, mobile and email address.

personal touch

Include a quote that communicates your key messages in an animated way. Sound ‘excited’ or ‘excited’ about what you are announcing. If it’s not really interesting or exciting news, you shouldn’t bother the press with it.

correct, correct, correct

It is unacceptable to submit a PR full of grammatical errors. Have someone else proofread it, then print it out and proofread it again.

tell them about it

When you email your PR, please include it clearly in the main body of your email. The media probably won’t bother to open your Word document attachment.


There’s a fine line between spinning and being downright misleading. Find an attention-grabbing headline, but don’t lie or exaggerate your story. Also, NEVER USE CAPITAL LETTERS AS IT WILL ONLY ANNOY PEOPLE.

Write for the task at hand

Your PR is not a submission for a prose writing contest. Keep it clear, informative, and as factual as possible. Have fun with the headline, but don’t overdo the trivia in the main body of the release.

It is not a sales pitch.

Chorus of ‘sales talk’; This is not the place. A PR is to inform the media about a newsworthy event, not to promote a product as in an advertisement.

Use press releases wisely

Turning your home office into a purpose-built garden shed may be great news for your family, but probably less so on the global stage. Post strong stories and get a good name for yourself. Take out the trash. Remember that it is your reputation that will be at stake.

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