Top 3 Last Mile Delivery Startups in Logistics

Last mile delivery is coined as the last step and the most integral part of today’s supply chain management businesses. The main focus of logistics companies is the final destination of the shipment from the transport hub. This approach is intensifying day by day as online shopping turns out to be the interest of the majority public around the world. E-Commerce sales are growing day by day in all countries reaching amazing growth figures on the business financial front. In this type of sprawling start-up, customer expectations for home delivery go beyond standards. This is making last mile delivery not only expensive, but also competitive. The demands and interests of online shoppers made them expect their product to be delivered in a short time. This kind of trend is making last mile delivery almost 50% of the cost of your purchase.

Although last mile shipping is presented as the most expensive issue, some logistics companies have successfully come forward to solve this problem by optimizing the entire process using methodologies and technologies. Let’s look at 3 last-mile logistics startups that have smart solutions:

1. Starship Technologies: Starship Technologies is the brainchild of the London-based co-founder of Skype. It is based in San Francisco and is currently known as Delivery-Robot. Their custom delivery robots are providing a better response to last-mile delivery needs. This Starship technology was established in the year 2014 and stands as the best hope to support seamless last mile shipping needs.
2. Nuro: Successful startup Nuro promises more than robots with its fully autonomous vehicles for last-mile delivery horizons. Nuro’s prototype was unveiled earlier this year and attracted the attention of online e-commerce platforms. The Nuro was established in the year 2016 in California. Nuro’s one meter wide delivery vehicle can carry just 115 Kgs.
3. LogiNext: LogiNext is a Mumbai; India based startup established in the year 2014. Also established in California. It is a SaaS product that solves many problems in the last-mile delivery ecosystem. It is customizable logistics management software built to meet the demands of last-mile delivery. Enables automated optimization and route planning using real-time sources. It is already a widely used software all over the world with more than 200 existing customers. This software can be integrated with Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa that provide voice-based information on the movement of logistics instantly.

The above three startups are currently almost attained to commercial status. Their solutions can definitely be of great help in solving the shipping problems of e-commerce stores all over the world today. Many online stores are eager to use the best solutions for their fast shipping needs. There are also some more currently working with some more innovative solutions for this purpose.

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