Top Ten Tips For Running Youth Group Games For Kids – Epic Fun For Everyone!

You have an amazing game in mind, a group of anxious children, and a chosen place to play. What could go wrong? Hopefully nothing … however, to ensure your success in running youth group games, here are my top 10 tips.

Shoot everyone!

It is imperative that you come with a lot of energy! Before facing the kids, take a deep breath, jump up and down, and get excited! If you are flat, children will be too.

Next, turn the kids on! Get them excited. Your energy will ignite those around you. You can do this by asking choral questions, “Who is ready for an amazing game of …?” “Blue Team, are you ready? Red Team, are you ready?” Have them repeat their answers until their energy level matches yours. Maybe they can make up their own team names and team chants.

Love the game

You must believe in the game yourself. Any hint that you are not one hundred percent sure this is a great game, the kids will understand. So get to know the game well, making sure it is perfectly suited to the group of youth you are working with. Read the rules, watch a video of other children playing, and ask questions of other teachers or youth leaders who have led the game before. Keep it simple, especially if this is your first time playing youth group games for kids.

Preparation is king

You can never be too prepared. Once you have studied the rules of the game, write the rules on a card in the palm of your hand to keep with you when you instruct the children. Select a suitable place to play. If you are outdoors, consider the weather, safety, and limits for children. Make sure you have the equipment you need to play with and set up everything you can before the kids arrive to play. Think about where the children will be when giving directions. For example, don’t make them squint in the sun and make sure their eyes are not directed toward distractions.

Consider drink stops and catering for children with special needs. Consider how you will shoot the children and how you will deliver the rules of the game. Identify the limits of the game and have a plan to manage the behaviors. Will you use a whistle to get children’s attention or will you use another signal?

Keep the goal in mind

Before starting with all the rules of the game, make sure the children know the aim or aim of the game. If you have the goal in mind, you will understand the rules better. If you have the goal in mind, it will be easier for you to explain the rules of the game.

Tips for complying with the rules of the game

Make sure children are seated and focused on you. They should not chat or look around for distractions. Make sure all the children who are going to play are present. You don’t want latecomers to be halfway through your instructions.

Children have short attention spans, so be precise with your rules and keep them simple. Tell the children that they can ask questions after you have given them your directions.

Once the rules have been given, I like to have the players review them. Do this by asking them to find a friend and repeat the rules.

If necessary, do a short demonstration of the game, or an aspect of the game, with children who know you (you may need to prepare for this in advance with selected players or helpers).

Always allow children to ask questions to further clarify their understanding.

Shared ownership

Players will be more motivated if they are invited to suggest improvements to the game. This works fine once you’ve played a round of the game. What I do is bring everyone together and then invite the players to suggest an improvement in the group game. A raising of the hand will indicate if the idea is accepted by all. Tell everyone that we will test this idea and if it works well, keep it in the game. This gives everyone ownership. Great ideas are always suggested that you never would have thought of.

Stop the game before it crashes

Now that all the kids are having a great time playing the youth group game you presented, it’s time to end the game before the kids get tired. By finishing on a high note, the kids will be eager to come back and play it again another day.

Never spank a dead horse. If your youth group game is not going to plan, or if you see the children lose interest, finish it and take a break, then play the next game you have prepared.

Create the experience

Weave a story or theme into your group game. Maybe it has characters, accessories, or even a special costume. This improves the experience for your players. Games like Narnia, Star Wars and Treasure weave a story with characters for which different players can be chosen.

No spectators

Get the spectators involved in the game. These can be siblings or parents. Put them on a team or have them referee the game. Make sure you are playing too. The children will be excited that you are enjoying the experience with them.

Pit stops

Lastly, make sure there are regular breaks between games or during longer games. This allows children to catch their breath and rehydrate. Make sure breaks are short. You don’t want the kids to turn off. With team games, give players time to have brief team meetings to strategize.

There you have it, my top tips for organizing youth group games for kids, accumulated over many years working as a school teacher specializing in games.

Epic fun for everyone!

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