Used Items Selling on Ebay Part 2

Used “Bible and Religion” articles or books. From crosses and bibles to holy objects and angels, they all resell very well on eBay. Bibles and religious items sell for more money when used for any reason. The older it is, the more money it will be worth. Used Bibles and religious items fetch $40.00-$4000.00+ on eBay. Depending on how old you are and what state you are in.

He used “Science Related Books”. Everything from genealogy to quantum physics books. Even material related to evolution. The older it is, the more money it will be worth. Used science-related books are worth a lot of money to eBay collectors. Look for $25.00-$500.00 per science book. Depending on how old you are and what state you are in.

He used “8 tracks and 8 track players”. Yes, people still collect 8 tracks and players. I have seen 8 tracks sell for over $100.00. I have seen 8 track players sold for over $500.00 if they were in mint condition. They are usually fairly easy to find at flea markets for a good price. On eBay, look for $2.00-$100.00 for each 8-track album. Look for $40.00-$300.00+ for each 8 track player on eBay. Depending on the make and model, age and condition.

“New and Used Hewlett-Packard Calculators”. Calculators sell very well on eBay, especially HP calculators. Yes, people still use calculators; maybe they just collect them. Either way, they’ll bring a lot of resale value on eBay. Not long ago I was at a flea market and saw a bunch of HP calculators. The guy wanted $3.00 a piece for them. I immediately thought of eBay because they were still new in the box, but figured they wouldn’t sell because they were older models. I made a note of the model of the calculator and let the deal go. When I got home I checked and saw that the HP calculators I saw were selling on eBay for over $100.00 each. I went back to the market and they were gone. I kicked myself in the butt and called it a loss. Now I take my laptop to flea markets and garage sales, so I can do some research. Look for $20.00-$300.00 for each HP calculator you sell on eBay. According to the model, the age and the state in which it is.

Used “Newspapers and Magazines”. Used newspapers from important social or sporting events. Even newspapers with political stories are worth a lot of money on eBay. Magazines are the same way; if you have magazines with famous social, sports or political events it will also bring you a lot of money. Or if the magazine is dedicated to social, sports or political issues. You can find them at flea markets and garage sales all the time really cheap! Look for $2.00-$200.00 for each newspaper or magazine on eBay. Depending on how old you are and what state you are in.

Used “Classic or vintage fishing rods”. Used fishing rods sell very well on eBay. Especially bamboo fishing rods. Used rods sell on eBay for $50.00-$500.00. According to the model, the age and the state in which it is.

Used “old or classic rotary phones”. No one wears them anymore, but they sure do attract collectors. Rotary phones are resold on eBay for a lot of money. You can easily find them at garage sales and flea markets. Everybody has a rotary phone that they don’t want. Used rotary phones are resold on eBay for $50.00-$500.00 each. Depending on the make, model, age, and condition.

He used “Classic and Ancient Measuring Devices”. From slide rules to scales. Old metering devices bring in a lot of money on eBay. You can also find them very cheap at garage sales and flea markets all the time. I have seen vintage metering devices sold for over $1000.00 on eBay. According to the model, the age and the state in which it is.

Used “Classic and Vintage Video Games and Systems”. Old video games are priceless for collectors. I have seen old atari and nes games that cost over $500.00 each. I have seen old video game systems sold for over $700.00 on eBay. I once saw a classic pong system cost $758.00 because it was brand new! You can find old games and systems everywhere. You can sell old games for $2.00-$500.00 on eBay. You can sell older video game systems on eBay for $30.00-$500+ on eBay. Depending on how old you are and what state you are in.

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