Using a Ouija Board – Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Questions raised when using a Ouija board and answers provided based on my own experiences:

Is the board evil or dangerous?

I never really understood this question. No, the table is not dangerous. I have had a couple of very strong spirits that were persistent and arrogant, but I have never experienced any danger as such. Of course there are negative/evil spirits out there, just like there are evil people in this world, but remember spirits are all around us, everywhere, all the time. The board itself is not evil or dangerous and in saying this, the board should also not be associated with the Devil or Demons!

Do I need any symbols like a pentagram?

It completely depends on you. If you personally feel more confident using a pentagram, then use one. Being in control is a state of mind. If you feel stronger using a symbol or crystals or anything, go for it. It won’t make any difference to the spirit, it’s entirely up to you and your own peace of mind.

Will they bewitch me?

I have no idea. People get tormented without even using a board. This question is a bit like asking “If I drive a car, will I have an accident.”

How do I communicate with someone I know?

You invite them to come talk to you. Never summon someone from the other side unless it’s an emergency. I have the utmost respect for the spirit and personally disagree with forcing them through. They also have jobs to do on the other side.

How will I know that my friends or even myself are not pushing the iron or glass?You will never know if someone else is pressuring you, you have to trust your instinct. As long as you rest your fingertips very lightly on the glass or planchette, there is no way you can push or pull it.

Do I need information about someone who has passed away?

This is not always possible. He can’t expect too much from what he gets across the board and he can’t always trust that the spirit she’s talking to is the person he’s trying to contact. Always keep in mind that any information you receive through the forum may not be accurate.

How do I know if the spirit is telling the truth?

You should always be very careful and never take any information you receive as gospel. Write it all down, discuss it, and maybe even research the information that will be given to you later.

If a family member comes to talk to me, is it really them?

If someone claiming to be a family member shows up on my board, I ask certain questions that only me and the spirit should know the answer to. Even then I advise caution.

What do I do if I feel unsafe?

Most spirits can only stay for a couple of minutes as it is extremely tiring for most. Many, moreover, do not know how to use the blackboard correctly and when you have taught them how it works, they disappear. However, if you receive a strong spirit and don’t feel like they’re gone after saying goodbye, I’d advise burning white sage (available on eBay, for example, or any new age store) and spraying the smoke in and around your House. Be sure to burn it in a fireproof dish and make sure it’s properly extinguished when you’re done.

Will the spirits harm my animals?

Not that I know. Animals are sensitive to spirit, so I think they can stand on their own anyway.

Will I be judged for using a board when I die?

In a word, no…unless you have incredible guilt for the rest of your life for wearing one, then you’ll make your own judgement.

Where do I buy a Ouija board and how much do they cost?

You can buy them anywhere these days and prices vary. You can also make one yourself or download one from the web which usually consists of two sheets of A4 paper. All you need to do is print it out, tape the two halves together, and bingo, you have an instant Ouija board. If you have a laminator, you can laminate that too! As a pointer you can use a coin, a glass, a flat glass… almost anything.

If I use a glass as a pointer, should I break it afterwards?

Unfortunately, the media hype surrounding Ouija boards is to blame for this problem. No, you don’t need to break anything. It won’t make any difference to whatever you’re trying to accomplish, other than making a mess and leaving a glass in your cupboard!

What if the board says I’m going to die or something bad is going to happen?

Turn off the board and never dwell on this information as it is unlikely to be true. Most likely it will be one of your friends moving the pointer/planchette to scare everyone as a prank.

Will the board start to move on its own when I’m not touching it?

No, it is not possible. The spirits require your energy to move the planchette and even this is extremely exhausting for them. It is practically impossible for a spirit to move anything with its own energy. Poltergeists are a completely different entity and are generally not relevant to Ouija board experiences.

Will my spirit guides speak to me?

Actually, probably not. They are his guides to guide his spirit and his higher self. It is rare for them to make themselves known to you on a physical level unless you are spiritually prepared.

I am under 18, can I use a board?

For your own safety, I would advise against using a board until you are mentally, emotionally, and spiritually mature enough to have control over the board and yourself. There’s a reason why 18 has become the legal age for a lot of things and I also think around 18 (give or take a year) you’re generally more experienced and probably have a completely different outlook on life and the death that perhaps a 14-year-old would, for example.

If anyone has any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Security Notes:

Do not use the board for more than an hour and a half. This is exhausting for both you and the spirits and can be harmful.

It is always advisable to “ground yourself” after eating and drinking something.

The more you use the board, the more spiritual activity it will create (similar to a magnet). The table can become addictive for some people and this is detrimental, not only to their well-being, but it can also attract unwanted negative energies and evil spirits. It is recommended not to use the table more than twice a week.

Be safe, be successful, but most of all enjoy!

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