What Causes Candida?

Candida is caused by a yeast infection that begins in the digestive system and slowly spreads to other parts of the body. It has more than 100 symptoms, which makes it very frustrating to diagnose. Most people with it have an average of 20 symptoms that seem unrelated. They can be anything from sugar cravings to constipation to rashes.

The most common cause is taking antibiotics. Antibiotics destroy the beneficial bacteria and that gives the yeast a chance to multiply. Birth control pills, IUDs, and pregnancy are also common causes due to fluctuating hormones. Excessive stress releases a hormone called cortisol that raises blood sugar and depresses the immune system. The increase in sugar feeds the yeast and the depressed immune system opens the door for the yeast to grow like crazy. Chlorine in tap water has been found to kill good bacteria and allow yeast to grow. Any type of digestive disorder, such as constipation, poor diet, or eating disorders, can leave your digestive tract vulnerable to yeast. Consuming stimulants and depressants like caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and drugs causes the pancreas to release sugar into the bloodstream, giving the yeast something to feed on. Beer consumption is even worse because it contains maltose. Maltose is a sugar that is very potent and yeast can really thrive.

Do your homework on this and don’t let anyone tell you that you are a hypochondriac. The good news is that there is hope. It’s just a matter of finding what works for you.

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