What did Barbara Katherina know about Johann Sebastian Bach’s exploits in Arnstadt?

(Barbara Katherina, second cousin of Johann Sebastian Bach and older sister of Maria Barbara, Bach’s future wife)

My dear sister, Maria Barbara, have you heard the news? Our JS has just been given permission to go to Lubeck to hear the celebrated organist Dietrich Buxtehude at St. Mary’s. He has been talking about this trip for so long and now the city council has given him four weeks right during Advent to go to Lübeck. Of course, he has asked our cousin, Johann Ernst, to fill in for him here in the Neukirche, so the music will continue as usual. JS tells me that he is going to walk the 200 miles to hear the great Buxtehude and his Advent Abendmusik concerts.

Finally, just when he had almost given up hope and was beginning to think that the rumor was true that Johann was going to marry Herr Buxtehude’s eldest daughter, Anna Margareta, in order to obtain the post of organist in Lübeck, he returned. Did you realize that he was gone sixteen long weeks from his post in the Neukirche? Let me tell you, the authorities knew how long Johann Sebastian had been gone and they are angry. They have argued and argued with JS but he does not apologize for his behavior and the length of his absence. And really, why should I? Our cousin Johann Ernst took a rather pleasant place in the Neukirche while he was gone.

Maria Barbara, were you at church yesterday? Did you hear what our JS played? I think it was an organ piece with our favorite chorus “How Brightly Shines the Morningstar” hidden in all those different sound sections somewhere. Our old serious congregation really didn’t like it, did they? I think our JS learned a lot from Herr Buxtehude and Herr Scheidt while he was in Lübeck, didn’t he?

Then, to make matters worse, did you hear the accompaniment to the anthem he played on LOBT GOTT, IHR CHRISTEN? Boy, was it hard to sing that anthem with that wild backing, if I do say so myself. Why did I hear people complaining all around us. They really were confused. Some even said they couldn’t hear the tune. I imagine that all that novelty ornamentation is not going to sit well with all those serious men.

Maria Barbara, please tell me you weren’t the woman someone heard singing to JS’s organ accompaniment in the church choir the other day. If it was you, you’re in so much trouble! First, you a woman actually in the choir and second, horror of horrors, you were even heard singing in the choir! Just think of the mess you’ve created for our dear Johann Sebastian now, and just as things were starting to calm down a bit. What were you thinking?

Oh, have you heard that he’s looking for another job? And why would our Johann need a different job? So that he can finally settle down and what? Marry you, Maria Barbara? Is that what you’re thinking, my dear little sister?

(The story above is one of a dozen vignettes from the organ and multimedia program, Bach and Sons, hosted by concert organist Dr. Jeannine Jordan.)

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