What happens to the breasts during pregnancy?

The time of pregnancy is the period when the human body undergoes many remarkable changes such as weight gain, skin changes, growth of the uterus ten times its normal size, and changes in the breasts. But among all these changes during pregnancy, women are often surprised by the changes that occur in their breasts.

Breast changes are one of the first signs experienced in early pregnancy, although many believed that the breast is not fully mature until after a woman gives birth and produces milk.

Meanwhile, the areola, which are the dark areas of skin that surround the nipples, begin to swell, followed by the breast itself. The swelling, soreness, tingling, and pain of both the nipple and the breast are due to the growth of more lobules and the growth of the milk duct.

Breast pain is common already in the first weeks after conception, which is why some women compare the changes to those that occur before menstruation, while some begin to notice breast tenderness between four and six weeks of pregnancy, but no matter how it occurs, the sensation lasts throughout the first trimester of pregnancy.

The breast is fully capable of producing milk by the sixth month of pregnancy, which results in many hormones playing their roles in milk production. Breast itching also occurs as the breasts grow and prepare milk for your baby after delivery.

In some women, their breasts grow during pregnancy, but in others, their breasts grow only one cup size, especially with their first child, but disappointments and surprises arise when the breasts did not change much during subsequent pregnancies.

The nipple appears larger and the veins in your breast more prominent at six to eight weeks of your pregnancy. It is normal because the volume of blood circulation in the body increases throughout pregnancy.

Some women find that their breasts begin to leak early in the third trimester of pregnancy. If this is the case for you, consider yourself lucky, all you need to do is wear a nursing pad to remedy the situation.

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