When accidents happen abroad

If you like to travel and if you like adventure travel especially, you should be really interested in the following.

As you know, when you travel there is always danger of accidents. You are more likely to do things you haven’t done at home. You also don’t know the area, so you never know what could happen.

You may be a seasoned traveler and have brought all your gear and even a first aid kit, but I bet you never thought to bring what I’m about to tell you next.

Thousands of people in the UK are injured or suffer from a pre-existing health condition while on holiday. There are so many that there is a regular TV show in the UK about accidents abroad.

What do you do if you are in the presence of a relative abroad?

First of all, you need to know some basic first aid. You should not move the person if they have fallen. Call medical help. If you are at your hotel, have someone who knows English and your native language make the call. You don’t want to waste time trying to communicate in a language you don’t know.

Second, while you wait, there is one thing you can do and that is use some form of energy healing. One of those healing energies is Quantum Touch.

Have you ever thought about taking energy healing abroad? It’s the best thing you can bring with you, especially adventure travelers.

With energy healing, it is completely safe, not only for the patient but also for you, legally. There is no law against sending good thoughts to those in need!

The usefulness of a natural healing therapy really struck me today. I received an email from a dear friend of mine, Nat, who has just returned from vacation with her mother and a friend. Here is part of what she wrote…


An accident happened to me while I was in Madeira – there are no beaches in Madeira because it is a volcanic island, the landscape is quite rocky and there are many cliffs around, so one day I decided to jump into the ocean from one of the cliffs (not high) and nothing The more I did, I felt a sharp prick in my arm. I looked at it and saw long “threads”, like blue fibers, coiled around it. The itching was increasing. I could hardly realize what happened and I ran to swim back to shore because it was in so much pain and I couldn’t get rid of these “threads” on my arm, they seemed to stick to or penetrate my discharge…


She goes on to say that a man from the hotel had a frightened look in his eyes. He said he didn’t know how to say it in English, but Nat found out later that it was a Portuguese warship. His arm was swollen for 3 hours and he was in pain.

Imagine if that happened to you, what would you do? You couldn’t do anything and would have to rely on someone to call an ambulance and go to the hospital. Now, you are in another country while this happened. What is the service and response time? What kind of treatment? How effective is that treatment? If you don’t have travel insurance, how much would it cost?

The hotel worker told my dear friend, Nat, that sometimes people die from a sting like this, it’s like being bitten by a cobra! Only people with a good “constitution”, as he was told, survive. Well, thank God he survived.

If you find yourself in a situation similar to someone who has been stung by a Portuguese warship, DO NOT touch the stinger with your hands as you may get secondary stings. Be careful when pulling out the tentacles.

Another element to keep in mind, DO NOT add vinegar as it will make the stinging worse. This is what a hotel employee did to my friend in Portugal! Of course, do not add anything acid (that’s vinegar).

Reading up on basic First Aid before you go on a trip can be helpful when you’re away. You never know who might need your help.

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