Why Beating Your Music Career Competition Is Simple, Here’s How It’s Done

Complete this 5-second music career test:

True or False: To achieve all the career opportunities you want, you have to overcome tons of competition.

True or False: To be truly successful in the music business, you have to beat thousands of competitors.

Both statements are completely false!

The music business is not full of competition. Music companies are in dire need of new musicians to offer big contracts to, but they have a hard time finding such musicians. You read well.

Extremely successful professional musicians don’t think about competing with others. They invest their time in becoming the type of musician that other types in the music industry seek. This helps them take advantage of music business opportunities that others don’t know about or don’t know exist.

What makes someone the right kind of musician who has the best opportunities? Specifically, what must you do to become this type of musician?

Why Fearing Music Business Competition Hurts Your Music Career

Here’s how it is: Most musicians end their music careers long before they see even a small amount of success. They have the impression that they face massive levels of competition. As a result, they quit too early because they are intimidated by the overwhelming (and imaginary) competition they think they are facing.

Competence? Where is the competition?

Beating the competition in the music business is actually quite easy to do. You simply have to remove all fear from your thinking. This becomes a lot easier once you know who your competitors really are.

Most musicians have bad attitudes, mindsets, and habits that make it impossible for them to succeed. These things include:

1. Be afraid of failing. Many musicians fear what will happen if they try to get into the music business and it doesn’t work out. They fear not making enough money from music alone. They fear looking like a failure, being too old, not having enough talent, not having enough opportunities in their local area, and other things.

They focus all their time and energy on not failing rather than succeeding. They freeze in their music careers or form backup plans that take them further away from music.

2. Be afraid of success (yes, that’s right). The kind of musicians who fear success screw things up when they reach the brink of great success. They worry about these things:

– Negative thoughts that others will have of them when they are successful.

– If they are worthy of great success.

– If they will be able to maintain success after achieving it.

This fear prevents many musicians with great potential from achieving their goals.

3. Small amounts of passion and desire. Most musicians think they want to be successful, but they don’t really want it enough to take important action. Most are not actively working for success. They sit and wait for success to happen to them. Others become reckless in their approach. They accept the life of a starving artist, hoping that success will come from struggle.

People in the music industry can tell if their desire for success is real. They are very good at observing both your intentions and the actions you take. Note: wanting to really succeed doesn’t necessarily mean struggling for years before making it in this industry.

4. Procrastination. Many musicians talk a lot about not knowing what to do to be successful. The truth is that it is not too difficult to understand. Forcing yourself to actually DO the right things is much more difficult.

Here’s an example: Almost any musician would agree that a music career mentor would help their careers grow at a faster rate. However, only a small number of musicians seek mentorship of some kind. Everyone else says, “I can’t pay for it” or “I don’t have time for it” or “I’m just not ready to mentor right now” or “I’ll try later.”

These are all rationalizations to facilitate procrastination. When it comes down to it, we all buy time / have money for important things. With this in mind, it is much easier to make excuses than to act.

5. Lack of commitment. If you want to achieve big goals, you will need perseverance and dedication. Many musicians stop pursuing their goals when faced with struggles and difficulties, causing their dedication to fade over time.

99.9% of musicians have or do at least some of these things. These qualities instantly disqualify them from being successful in the music industry.

The main key to tons of success in a music career

Do you want to become one of the best musicians in the world? Overcome the fundamental problems that destroy the success of your music career. This quickly puts you above your perceived competition. Yes, that’s all you need to do!

How to end self-sabotage in your music career and set yourself up for success in the music business:

1. Start choosing the things that matter most to you. You must choose to take action on the things that advance your career. Find out what you need to do to be successful. Then, dedicate yourself to taking frequent action on what you learn.

Understand the difference between an expense and an investment. An expense takes money out of your pocket and costs time / resources. This money never comes back. Paying rent, buying food, or paying the phone bill are examples of expenses. Spending time on Facebook, playing games, or watching television are also examples of expenses.

An investment is something that to invest your money (or time) to get long-term value on the back-end. Investing time to learn how the music business works, gaining career guidance in music, and joining a group of music industry experts are examples of making investments in your music career.

You should try to eliminate expenses and increase the amount of investments you make.

2. Replace every time you say “should” with “will”. For example me should investing more in my musical career “becomes” Will invest more in my musical career “.” Me should stop postponing the achievement of my goals “becomes” me it will stop putting off my goals. “Saying” should “gives you an outlet to take action. This mindset lacks the urgency to act and succeed.

3. Successful professional musicians have more urgency than most people. They say “I WILL INVEST more time and energy in my music career”, “I will stop procrastinating” and “I will learn more about the music industry.” This type of mindset refuses to accept failure. It gives you unstoppable motivation to do whatever it takes to achieve your musical goals.

These basic attitude changes make it easy to beat your competitors and become a successful professional musician.

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