Why do guys come back when you ignore them? Perspective of the male mind

Why do guys come back when you ignore them? Doesn’t make sense, does it? After a breakup, all you really want is to talk to your ex to convince him to get back together with you. However, listen to all this advice that suggests doing the opposite is the best way to go. How the hell can ignoring a man work? It’s not logical. It just so happens that matters of the heart are rarely logical. The fact is that ignoring a man after a breakup will drive him crazy with desire for you again. Once you understand why this works so well, you’ll be eager to try it out on his ex.

Whenever a woman asks why guys come back when you stop paying attention to them, they’re actually looking at it from a female perspective. We believe that to win him back we have to be constantly in contact with him. Sending her gifts or love letters seems appropriate. The problem is that those things can work if the situation were reversed. If your guy was trying to win your love back, being romantic is the way to go. However, in men, none of those things push the right psychological buttons for him to want you back. Only one thing does and that is to ignore it.

A man’s ego plays a huge role in getting him back after the relationship has ended. You have to learn to play with that ego in such a way that it finds you irresistible again. If you consider the fact that playing rough is the ticket when you want to get a guy’s attention, then it makes a lot of sense that playing rough now will also get his interest. That’s why ignoring it works so amazingly well.

The moment you start ignoring a man, you change the dynamic of your relationship with him. The emotional control he had over you is gone. Now you have that control all to yourself. By stopping all contact, you are showing him that you are no longer his. You have your own life and you are ready, willing and excited to start living it.

No man wants to wander through the wreckage of his broken relationship with a shattered ego. He wants to feel that his ex needs him and wants him back. If she disappears into thin air and he feels that she has moved on, he will be hurt by the bitterness of her rejection. He will do anything to get rid of that feeling, and luckily for you, there is really only one cure. He will need you back if you ignore him. That’s why so many women will tell you it’s the best way to get a man back.

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