Why water treatment is so important to your health

Water is a simple chemical compound, but with complex properties due to its bias. The chemical formula of water is H2O. That is, each water molecule consists of an oxygen atom between two hydrogen atoms. Water is essential for human health and well-being; there can be no life on Earth without water. In fact, the human body is made up of 70% water. However, that same water can do harm to your body if it is not purified. Unfiltered water contains chlorine, fluoride, dioxins, parasites, etc. these could be dangerous to your health.

Why is water treatment so important?

Water is found almost everywhere on Earth. Water resources such as rivers, lakes, which provide water contain a lot of pollution, garbage not suitable for consumption. To be clean, the water must undergo a series of necessary treatments to make it drinkable. Water purifiers designed to eliminate or reduce certain contaminants (nitrates, pesticides, heavy metals, organic matter…), as well as improve the taste quality of the water (eliminating chlorine).

If you’re like most people, you can say “I’ve been drinking unfiltered water for years, I’m never sick.” Some diseases take time to present visible signs, but it does not mean that they are inactive in your body. The WHO lists a list of WATERBORNE DISEASES that kill people worldwide: diarrheal disease, hepatitis A, cholera, botulism, typhoid fever, dysentery, cryptosporidiosis, polio, etc. those diseases can be caused by protozoa, viruses, bacteria and intestinal parasites

Below are three main water treatment techniques used in the United States:

Distillation – Distillation is the process of heating water to a boil, capturing and cooling the resulting hot vapors, and collecting condensed vapors. The impurities will “accompany” the steam and end up in the distillate. This method is not new; mankind has been applying distillation for thousands of years. Not all modern distillation equipment is the same. If you are interested in treating your water by distillation, you should choose good or advanced water purifiers for best results. The problem with distillation method is a bit slow compared to reverse osmosis and UV water treatment method.

Reverse Osmosis: Tap water passes through a semi-permeable membrane that contains between 90 and 99% of the components originally present. This practice originally designed for industrial uses is becoming very popular today in domestic water purification. In practice, part of the water allows the rejection of impurities initially selected by the membrane, TFC polyamide. Very powerful, however it is sensitive to chlorine and must be protected with active carbon filters. Its life is about 5 to 8 years under normal conditions of use. This principle is also quite slow and requires substantial pressure.

UV Water Purification – UV water purification technology is probably the most cost effective and efficient on the market today. It allows home and business owners to remove a variety of biological contaminants from their water supply. UV water treatment offers many advantages over other forms of water treatment for microbiological contaminants. Most importantly, it leaves no chemicals in the water, produces no by-products, and does not change the taste, pH, or other properties of the water. Consequently, in addition to producing safe drinking water, it is not harmful to your plumbing and septic system.

UV treatment is an excellent option for removing biological contamination from most waters. If your home or business requires additional filtration or if you have a private untreated water source (rainwater, lake water, wells, etc.). The sole purpose of the UV water treatment system is to remove harmful biological contaminants.

In any method (reverse osmosis, UV water treatment, distillation), it is essential to change the filters periodically. Poorly maintained activated carbon filters can be ineffective. Worse yet, they can suddenly reject impurities previously removed from the water.

We at Vital Food Store offer you and your family a quality of water that nature has provided only to a select few. Using natural purification processes in combination with advanced technology, our water treatment systems produce what many believe to be the best drinking water on Earth. Visit our reverse osmosis systems website.

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