Will the truth about Mike Geary’s abs make me gain weight?

Mike Geary’s The Truth About Abs is not a bodybuilding book and doing resistance training (aka weights) will NEVER lead to muscle gain while dieting. And sadly, if you’ve deluded yourself into thinking you can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time, that won’t happen either. Beginners may gain a few pounds of muscle (usually 2-3 pounds) when they start training, but the purpose of resistance training is as follows:

  1. Maintain your LBM (lean body mass). LBM is what your metabolism gives you. If you want to burn calories, you need to preserve your muscle mass (this includes your heart, lungs, organs, skeleton, skin, etc.). Your body fat doesn’t burn calories, muscle does.
  2. Increase your calories burned. A well-structured exercise program based on interval or resistance training of any kind will burn calories quickly and efficiently. Many times better than biking or running.
  3. Make it feel great: Honestly, getting good at resistance training is a life-changing event for many. You will be surprised at how much stronger you feel. The stronger and fitter you feel, the more likely you are to make a real change with your weight.

Here’s the thing: You can’t gain weight while following Mike Geary’s The Truth About Abs because you’re eating a caloric deficit. If you follow the plans laid out in Mike Geary’s eBooks, you’ll eat enough but not overeat. As long as this is the case, resistance training is just priming your metabolism, burning fat, and helping you get a leaner, stronger physique. The other key to preparing for fat burning with resistance training is eating the right amounts of protein while you exercise. Protein is not only necessary to preserve your lean body during your diet, but it also satisfies your appetite. More than any other macronutrient, protein is an appetite killer. Imagine eating 5 egg whites and 2 egg yolks in the morning with toast. Your plate will be full of food and you will feel full for hours. The trick is that this protein-rich meal will be less than 500 calories! Throw in some veggies along with this breakfast and you’ll be eating something that’s not only nutritious for your health, fills you up (so you’ll NEVER feel hungry), but also helps you lose that stubborn belly fat.

Bottom line, the key, the real “SECRET” to all of this is proper exercise (not just exercising blindly, but focusing and doing the right exercises) and sensible eating (not starving yourself but eating the right KINDS of food). ).

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