With Kali, time (Kal) stops as before the Big Bang

Who is Kali?

Kali is a form of the Divine Mother in Her proudest attributes. The purpose of this vicious form of Shakti is to show her absolute supremacy over evil, that is, over the attachment of matter (ego) to matter. She was created by Goddess Durga as a form of Supreme Goddess, an invisible aspect of God masked at a certain time in the history of Creation, but has always remained black (masked). Divine Mother is the basic concept of Shaktism, which is a Hindu denomination that recognizes the Feminine Principle as the Supreme Rule of the universe.

Kali is depicted with garlands of human skulls and dismembered body parts, often giving the mistaken impression that she is an evil form of God. Ideas, beliefs, and history can also be easily distorted. Does this mean that Christians are racist just because Ku Klux Klansmen bow to their cross? Any god can be strangled with the same fiery cloak within whose fumes only superstitions and misconceptions can prevail.

Destruction of time and matter.

The crucifix represents the victory of Christ over death (matter). Kali with skulls gives us the same message. The dismembered parts of human bodies in his hands only symbolize the transience of the material world. It is our ego that is always attached to the material world and the fierce representations of Kali simply show the importance of the destruction of the ego’s attachment to the body (matter-to-matter dependency), not death. She destroys What Is Not – unreality.

The perception of Kali was also distorted in India by various cults; one of them was the so-called “thugee” cult, whose origins can be traced back to seven Muslim tribes. No one knows when the cult began, but the first authenticated record originates from around AD 1356. Some historians say that although “thugs” did exist, British colonists blew up this story for the purpose of justifying the executions of their adversaries. Kali in the thugee cult supposedly bore a strong resemblance to the Muslim Fatima, the youngest daughter of the greatest Islamic prophet. This information comes from British officers who discovered this during their interrogations and executions. There are Islamic sects that worship Fatima, the beloved daughter of the Prophet.

The distortion also comes from superstitions and the way they are presented in the Western media: a man in Nepal, for example, cut off his hand and dedicated it to Kali. Something similar also happens every year in the Philippines when “followers of Christ” are publicly crucified before the eyes of thousands of followers and visitors. The effects of crucifixion, in which a “Christ” is whipped until his skin and flesh hangs in pieces, can easily result in serious health problems or even death, but the Western media portray such “Christs as “and to Christianity in two separate sleeves only. . On the other hand, if there is any link to something bad in relation to Kali or any other Hindu god, the media almost always associates Hinduism with it. Islam is also no exception.

The Inquisition of medieval Europe (under the supreme power of Christians) used practices of the most unthinkable forms of torment: pouring red-hot lead into the vagina with other sadistic “exercises”. However, some say that much of the above we believe to be based on myth alone and none of us, not even today’s best historians, have ever dealt with the Inquisition or thugs first hand.

A very important aspect of Kali worship is Kali Puja, the Night of Kali. It occurs at night (in the lunar calendar) when the veil between light and darkness is thinnest: the dark moon.

Matter and light also disappear into black holes, which are observable astronomical locations in the universe where everything dissolves into nothing. The seventh chapter of Devimahatmya (Devi Mahatmya, also known as Durga Saptashati, or “Glory of the Goddess”, is a Hindu scripture) describes Kali springing from Goddess Durga’s scowl.

Kali, clad in tiger skin, is black, sometimes dark blue. His possessions are covered in skulls; temples and personal things too. Accepting its blackness and skull-like omnipresence means that we earthlings living in duality must unconditionally subordinate ourselves to the Unity of God.

A famous Bengali mystic and poet, Ramprasad Sen (1720-1781), wrote magnificent poems showing zealous devotion to Kali. Another famous follower of Kali was Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa.

Kali goes by many names like Maha Kali (or Kaali), Nitya Kali, Smashana Kali, Raksha Kali, Kalikamata, Kalaratri, Vyaghracharmavrita (wearing tiger skin), Elamma or Kottavei (Tamil). She is depicted with eight arms, but also with two or four arms, of which the last is the most common. Of the Puranas, the Kalika Purana (Upapurana) is the most important work for the worship of Kalika (Kali).

Kali also has Her “ghost sisters” in many ancient cultures around the world; for example, in Mexico, there is an ancient Aztec goddess, a “monstrous goddess” – Coatlicue, who is decorated with a necklace made of human hearts and dismembered hands. This may also explain why Aztec and Inca priests were encouraged to practice such notoriously cruel religious ceremonies: they seemed to have misinterpreted a visual representation of God that ancient history had handed down to them. Kali can also be observed in Caledonian, which is a Latin word that the Roman Empire used for the northern part of Great Britain because of their ancient Caledonian tribe who worshiped a black Mother Goddess – Caillech. A Finnish goddess of death, Kalma, supposedly lives in the underworld. In Slavic mythology, we have Nav, the fearsome goddess of death, but also Chernobog, a black god (goddess).

Kali, if approached with love and open arms, promises unconditional love to His devotees, regardless of their race or sexual orientation. She doesn’t care about her social status either. Her blackness is the power that absorbs everything, that is, all dualities will cease. She is beyond time. Kali is therefore ONE and She wants to keep it that way.

The ultimate truth is that if you want to get close to things you can’t normally see, the sunniest daylight in a hypocritically happy and smiling world isn’t always the right passageway to the secret castles of wisdom.


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