Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – $ 6 Billion with $ 2.5B Major Banks and Citigroup Post Foreclosure Mess

With more and more homes in the hundreds of thousands up for foreclosure auction, how can you raise the quick cash needed to stay out of financial trouble? I’m talking about finding quick and easy cash that you might need today that you never have to pay back. Never! But how can you find this nearly FREE money to get out of the predicament millions of people are in today within the US without being at fault?

I feel like this is the fault of the major federal loan lending policies of all the major banks and mortgage companies like CountryWide, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac – $ 6 trillion losses, just to name a few. Citi just posted a $ 2.5 billion loss and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac went broke! Who is the next one? Time will tell. Meanwhile, all American citizens have to pay for these giant Fed mistakes just like the war in Iraq that cost us all billions daily.

Well, sometimes you can get new money in the form of gifts. That’s what the feds did to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac! The real cash gifts that strangers are willing to give you is nothing new, it has been around for almost 300 years. If you read this article, you will learn how to get it.

Really all you have to do is find someone who is willing and able to give you some money and it could be anywhere from $ 500 to thousands of dollars depending on who you find. It sounds simple enough, but it’s not really that simple unless you have and use the right contacts. And what are the right contacts?

All you need to do is find people who are a little richer than you are today mainly; Those are the right resources, and you can believe me when I tell you this; there are mega millions of them all over the world just looking for you to contact them. If you are able to find for these people the right opportunity to jump in today that can put their own life on the easy road, you will earn money and a lot. Why?

This is mainly because the US economy is in the tank right now and it’s getting worse and the rest of the world isn’t doing that well in certain places either. There are many people today who cannot make ends meet simply because of inflation right here within the United States. This is why you are watching house after house go into foreclosure and why big mega trillion dollar companies like Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac show losses of $ 6 trillion and are financially sinking. That’s the tip of the iceberg, folks. Be careful with the closing of your money!

The right resources can bring a lot of cash your way and it can happen quite quickly, depending on how much effort you put into your own search for cash that you are endowed with. Just don’t be afraid to ask or you will never get cash from anyone. Churches give cash all the time and have done so for over 300 years. Everyday people do it too.

I’m not saying we go out and beg people for money. What I am saying is that there are legal ways to give money to people and there is absolutely nothing ethical about you receiving it. Especially since you most likely did not create the financial mess you may find yourself in today.

You cannot and should never depend on your own government to meet your own needs, no matter where you live in the world today. This simply 99% of the time it just won’t happen, although I have seen some people shed the government their entire lives. Personally, I never have. You need to find a safer way to get the wealth you need in your life today.

Don’t worry if you don’t have enough money to retire or live today. Most people don’t have enough, and many find themselves in a bad situation when they retire. They quickly realize that you simply can’t live on a third of the money you use to earn at your job, so most are forced to re-enter the job market only to find that they won’t earn as much this time.

It does not have to be this way. Just get the right education so you can start earning big money, either offline or on the web, and start with what it takes as you haven’t done it yet, no matter if you are young, you are close to the retirement age or is of retirement age. There is nothing like taking steps to start making big money start happening in your life.

No action, no results, it’s the way I’ve always seen things in my own life.

If you can find the right resources, you will be fine.

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