Here’s How Natural Graves’ Disease Treatment Methods Restored My Health

Most endocrinologists and other physicians consider Graves’ disease to be an incurable condition. However, many holistic practitioners have a different view of this condition. Being a holistic healthcare professional, it’s no wonder I was open to a natural treatment protocol for Graves’ disease when I was first diagnosed with this condition. This doesn’t mean that I wasn’t skeptical though, as while I wasn’t really concerned about the safety of natural treatment methods, I was honestly not sure how effective they would be.

While I wouldn’t label my symptoms as too severe, it was still difficult to deal with the increased pulse rate and the palpitations made it difficult to fall asleep at times. Add to this the tremors, weight loss, and increased appetite, and like many others with Graves’ disease, I was considering taking antithyroid medications to help control symptoms. As for radioactive iodine, the endocrinologist I saw did not present it to me as an initial option, although I am sure it would have changed in a few months or years after taking the antithyroid medications. After all, antithyroid medications do nothing more than control symptoms, although they sometimes put a person in a temporary state of remission.

In any case, I never considered receiving radioactive iodine, but who knows what would have happened if I had decided to take the antithyroid medications. But I didn’t, as I made the decision to follow a natural Graves disease protocol, and it really helped restore my health to normal. It only took a few weeks for the increased heart rate, palpitations, and tremor symptoms to subside. And in a few months all my symptoms were gone, the blood tests and adrenal tests improved dramatically and finally normalized, and overall I felt great.

How can a Natural Graves disease treatment protocol be so effective?

Before answering this question, let me be frank and inform you that not everyone responds to natural methods of treating Graves’ disease. However, when you think about it, there is really nothing to lose by following this protocol, as the worst case scenario is that it does not work and you will have to resort to antithyroid medications or RAI. However, the reason that a natural treatment protocol for Graves’ disease has a great chance of restoring your health to normal is because, unlike conventional medical treatment methods, natural treatment methods attempt to achieve the underlying cause of the condition.

What you need to understand is that in most cases of Graves’ disease, the problematic thyroid gland is not the underlying cause of the disorder. So while prescription drugs can do a good job of managing symptoms, they will do absolutely nothing for the actual cause of the disorder. On the other hand, the goal of any natural treatment protocol for Graves’ disease is to cure the cause of the disorder. Here are some of the things that can lead to the development of Graves’ disease:

• Weak adrenal acorns

• A compromised immune system

• Poor digestion

• Hormonal imbalances

• Nutritional deficiencies

• Exposure to environmental toxins

• Problems with other areas of the body

Usually it is a combination of some of these factors that leads to the development of an autoimmune thyroid condition. So when someone with Graves disease consults with a natural endocrine physician, they will not only look at thyroid blood tests that other healthcare professionals evaluate, but will most likely recommend one or more additional tests to determine if the person has one or more of these problems.

For example, all people with Graves disease have a compromised immune system. However, not everyone has the same factors that cause the immune system to weaken. Many people who eat a lot of refined foods and sugars and / or do a poor job of managing stress develop weak adrenal glands, which in turn can cause autoimmune response and thyroid malfunction and lead to an autoimmune thyroid disorder. Another person may have an imbalance with the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which can wreak havoc on the body and lead to problems with the immune system.

The point is, just focusing on the thyroid gland is a big mistake. And this is the reason why most doctors think that Graves’ disease is incurable, since they focus all their efforts on stopping the excessive production of thyroid hormone and never think about what is causing the gland to malfunction. thyroid first. So the reason why natural Graves disease treatment methods can be so effective is because they not only try to cover up the symptoms, but they try to find and then eliminate the cause of the actual condition.

Find a doctor who specializes in Natural Graves disease treatment methods

While there are many naturopaths, holistic physicians, and other health professionals who could help restore your health to normal, it is a good idea to consult with a natural endocrine practitioner in my opinion. The reason for this is that such a doctor will focus on endocrine disorders and therefore have more experience caring for people with Graves’ disease compared to a natural doctor who cares for many different types of conditions.

Regardless of what you decide to do, try to keep an open mind. I realize that it can be difficult not to be skeptical about natural methods of treating Graves’ disease, especially when almost all endocrinologists and general practitioners recommend drugs or RAIs. And don’t get me wrong, as some people really do need these conventional treatment methods. However, in most cases, it does not make sense to temporarily control symptoms with antithyroid drugs or to damage the thyroid gland with radioactive iodine.

Most people just don’t realize there are other options, and now that you’ve learned this information, hopefully you will try natural methods of treating Graves’ disease. If you are like most people who follow a natural treatment protocol, not only will you feel healthy and energetic, but you will regret not taking action sooner.

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