Make life easier at home for people suffering from hand joint pain – for yourself or someone you care for

Hand and finger joint pain affects many people, and it’s not something only older people experience. Hereditary disorders and RSI are frequently to blame, as are accidents that scar the cartilage and bone of the knuckles. While medical pathways can limit pain or discomfort, there are some simple things you can do for yourself, or the person you’re trying to help, that can make a real difference to your day.

1. Stiff door knobs, handles, locks, and keys can be a real source of frustration. Many can be oil jet lubricated or, budget permitting, replaced with larger, easier to manipulate handles that don’t require as much finger pressure.

2. Old faucets and faucets can be replaced with modern mixer taps by a plumber or DIYer. These are much, much easier and faster for sensitive hands and wrists to operate.

3. Replace or sharpen old knives and scissors. How often do you strain trying to cut through a stubborn piece of food, or cardboard, or even a paper bag? Things like this should be quick and easy with household “tools” that are in good condition.

4. Look at the kitchen utensils you use. Old can openers require a lot of finger pressure, so replace them with ergonomic ones. Perhaps an electric one would be better for you? Or consider whether an electric mixer can encourage you to cook or bake again, by taking much of the hard work out of mixing ingredients.

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