Some facts you should know about Knex

Knex is a company that manufactures construction toys. After being launched by the Glickman brothers, Joel and Bob, the company soon became a brand name and took the leading position in the market. Currently, they make two very popular toys in addition to Knex. They are Brio and Lincoln Logs. However, the idea for Knex was conceived by Joel while he was playing with straws at a wedding. So, he created the original version of Knex with the help of rods and connectors, materials that resemble straws in a significant way.

In later stages, many new things were added. However, the most important thing was the movement. This was done largely through the wheels, gears, and pulleys. In addition, a series of mechanisms were incorporated. For example, there are mechanical drives and motors built into the assemblies. Lately, a development allowed users to program the Knex and thus entered the cyber age. Aside from these, a number of other changes also occurred. For example, the colors of the buildings were changed, the space-themed vehicles and models were included, and lastly, the chrome parts were also included.

Knex has a wide range of products and they are intended for children belonging to different age groups. In fact, there are specific models from preschool to nine years and older. The product range includes themed sets where the models can be built through pre-designed ones. At the same time, you can link your products with other brands such as Sesame Street.

However, Knex doesn’t just make models to play with. They also offer models to teach children. Thus, even teachers tend to buy them and use them in the classroom to improve the scientific and technological aptitude of the students. Once again Knex is available in a wide range of sets suitable for different age groups. Therefore, teachers can easily choose the right sets and use them in class. In fact, they offer games for children from kindergarten to high school. In the first stage, scenarios are set up to explain simple things like transportation and life cycles. With the increase in the age group, things also get more complicated.

Knex games are made of plastic. Therefore, children have less difficulty handling them. This is an advantage over games made of wood where children often have a hard time fitting the pieces together correctly. Also, you can combine different sets to create a larger build and thus you always have a chance to upgrade your build.

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