Foot Surgery: How to Survive with Your Spirit and Sanity Intact

It was a difficult decision, but you have decided not to put up with the pain, irritation and deformity of a bunion or hammertoe any longer. In my case, it was a severe bunion, with the big toe moving aggressively toward the other toes, that led me to the decision to have major foot surgery. My husband had undergone bunion surgery over ten years earlier, and this difficult experience, both for him as a patient and for me as a caregiver, warned both of us to plan ahead.

The devil is, indeed, in the details. Knowing that he will be unable to walk for at least three weeks and walking with limited mobility in a surgical shoe or boot for eight weeks requires strategic planning. It’s easy to remember to gather books, DVDs, and magazines before your surgery, but much more can be done to make your confinement a stress-free experience.

  • Contact your doctor’s office and pick up prescriptions ahead of time for any medications or devices, such as crutches, that you will need. Your doctor can also sign a form for a temporary handicap parking locker.
  • Most insurance will not cover crutches or other assistive devices until two days before surgery. Make sure you know what your insurance will cover and when and where you will need to pick up the materials. A rolling scooter called a knee walker, like a Roll-About, is a lifesaver and will give you more stability than crutches. Knee walkers can be rented at your local medical supply company or online.
  • Freeze the ice packs ahead of time. Ice application, even weeks after surgery, will help reduce swelling in the feet. A small cooler by your bed filled with ice packs will allow you to change them frequently immediately after surgery. A practical way to keep ice packs on your foot is to secure them with a long Ace bandage.
  • Even after the stitches are removed, you’ll want to bandage the scar to minimize irritation. Purchase gauze pads, surgical tape, and elastic “tender tape” ahead of time.
  • Your doctor may recommend that you purchase a compression stocking to minimize swelling. You can also wear a tight Ace Wrap or purchase an inexpensive forefoot compression sleeve at . Keep in mind that you will also need a large, loose fitting sock to fit over your swollen foot. My husband’s wool tube socks were perfect.
  • Your foot will need to be elevated as much as possible throughout your recovery. I was given a handy foam block at the hospital. Have pillows ready or buy a block of foam, about 5″ tall, at a craft store.
  • Put a small table next to your bed. Have everything you might need close at hand, such as a bottle of water, lip balm, TV remote, phone, and medication. Another similar table or tray next to your sofa is useful. A 4-legged cane with a curved handle placed next to the bed can act as a bed rail and will help with getting in and out of bed during the first few weeks after surgery.
  • Stock up on easy-to-prepare meals, like frozen foods that can be microwaved. Even after you can walk, a trip to the grocery store won’t be practical. Have plenty of bottled water on hand.
  • Catch up on your clothes. The laundry hampers will be difficult to manage, and if your washer and dryer are located in your basement, it will be weeks before you can handle a wash. Take inventory and wash casual clothes ahead of time, and make sure you have a few pairs of baggy pants that can be thrown over your surgical boot.
  • You are at your most vulnerable when you shower. Your doctor may allow you to get your foot wet as soon as a week after surgery, even with the stitches still in place, so your foot will still be very sensitive and unable to bear weight. You will want to have the following for a safe bathing experience:
  • shower stool
  • shower head
  • Grab bars around the bathtub
  • Shower gel and wipes (instead of soap)
  • Large plastic bags (if your doctor recommends keeping your foot dry)
  • You will want a comfortable, easy-on shoe that is close to the height of your surgical boot. Since your foot will be elevated most of the time, you’ll also want a comfortable shoe for your non-surgical foot. I found that most of my shoes were the wrong height, so was a convenient way to shop for shoes while in lockdown.
  • Will you need to climb stairs? Using crutches is dangerous: until you can walk in your boot, it’s best to find an alternate method. I went up and down on my butt; my husband wore construction knee pads and walked up the stairs on his knees. Plan a strategy and practice ahead of time.

The last and most important question is how to keep your spirits up during a long recovery. Make a list of projects that can be done while you’re home and on the couch: photos you’ve been planning to organize, books and movies you’ve planned to catch up on, the computer game you’ve never had time to learn. Gather your project supplies before your surgery. Think of this healing time not as an enforced lockdown, but as a period of rest and relaxation. Planning ahead will not only be easier for you, but also for your caregiver.

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