Month: June 2022

There are many common weight loss myths that people follow when it comes to their health. Sometimes it’s hard to separate the myths and facts of weight loss from what is true. Many ring true, while others are just plain ridiculous. I once read somewhere that if you drink water at night you will get fat or if you scratch your head too often you will lose your hair…

Weight Loss Myth #1
The more weight I have to lose, the more intense my exercise routine should be

Weight Loss Truth: While having an intense workout routine is great, there are a few things you need to consider: The first is that everyone is on a different level when it comes to their fitness level and how intense they can actually handle it. If you’ve been physically inactive for a number of years, walking a half-mile a day might be strenuous exercise for you. After walking that half mile you realize that you are sweating profusely and that you are tired. However, for someone who has been physically active for many years, walking half a mile can be done without breaking a sweat. Everyone has a different definition of what “intense” is.

If exercising for an hour a day is intense for you, but due to life’s busy schedule, you only have time for 20 minutes a day, then those 20 minutes will come in handy. It may not necessarily classify as “intense,” by your definition, but those little moments of cardio will have positive, health-altering effects.

Fat Loss Myth #2
Stress and weight gain don’t go hand in hand

Weight Loss Fact: This is one of those “laughable” myths. For more information on how stress adds to the pounds. into your life, download my free ebook, “The Psychology of Weight Loss”

Weight loss myth #3
can i lose weight eating what i want

The truth about weight loss: Sir Isaac Newton once said, “What goes up must come down.” There are natural principles that govern our lives. If you throw a ball in the air, it will come back down. You can sit on your couch and imagine and visualize that the ball will stay in the air, but natural principles teach us that it will come down. The same is true when it comes to our weight.

This is one of the most common myths about weight loss. It’s illogical to think that your health and weight are going to be in balance if your nutrition consists mostly of twinkies, fries, and doughnuts. Sure you can burn it off by exercising, but most people whose diet consists mostly of junk food probably aren’t disciplined enough to stick to an exercise routine. I know some people who, on the outside, appear to be in good shape, because they’re not “fat, they have high cholesterol.”

Just because I’m sorry I’ve crushed the hearts of so many twinkie lovers, I’d say this. You can eat junk food, cookies, chips, ice cream, pizza, hamburgers… All those “soul-satisfying foods”, but it should be in moderation. Anything in excess is never good.

Fat Loss Myth #4
Skipping meals is a good way to lose weight

Weight loss fact: There are numerous studies showing that people who skip breakfast and eat fewer times throughout the day tend to outnumber those who have a healthy nutritious breakfast and then eat 4-6 small meals throughout the day. day. The reason for this could be the fact that they are hungrier later in the day and may have a tendency to overeat during other meals of the day.

Weight Loss Myth #5
I’m not going to lose weight eating at night.

Truth about weight loss: You can enjoy food too much during the day and not eat at all at night and you will gain weight. As is the fact that you can starve during the day and eat all night and still gain weight. The key here is balance. If your body tells you that it is hungry, maybe you should listen to it. The truth is that eating in excess, without exercising, will make you gain weight; It doesn’t matter what time of day you eat. Whenever I feel hungry at night, as is my custom with other meals during the day, I try to select something that is natural in nature. Something like fruit, vegetables, or I could even make myself a fruit smoothie. During those times when I have a craving for ice cream or something sweet, I allow myself to have some and I do NOT feel guilty about it. Many overweight people live their lives with guilt and shame. I allow myself to get some, however, IN MODERATION.

Fat Loss Myth #6
I am not acceptable until I lose weight.

Weight loss fact: The person who feels unacceptable because they are fat is because they are unacceptable to themselves in the first place. The way you think others see you is based on your view of yourself. I honestly believe that one must be emotionally fit before being physically fit. I’ve been through these self-limiting emotions before. Once I realized that I was ALREADY ENOUGH in God’s eyes and that I had no need to prove myself to anyone or receive external validation for my self worth, that made all the difference to me. Once you accept yourself for who you are RIGHT NOW and realize that you are already enough in God’s eyes, you will not feel unacceptable because of your weight.

Weight loss myth #7
I need to cut calories to lose weight faster.

Weight loss truth: Cutting calories can be a great thing, if you’re overeating and drastically gorging yourself. However, if you’re eating proportionately, cutting calories could have an aversive effect. If you’re cutting calories and starving your body, that will lower your metabolism, or in other words slow it down, which can result in you not actually losing any weight, even if you’re “cutting calories.”

Fat Loss Myth #8
Skipping meals will help me lose weight.

Weight Loss Fact: Skipping meals can cause you to gain weight! You will be too hungry and will eventually have to eat. This will throw off your metabolism and eventually slow it down. Think of a car that is running out of gas (food), if you don’t fill it up it will eventually stop working. The same goes for our body, we need to keep it constantly fed.

Weight loss myth #9
I think I have a genetic weight gain, it runs in the family!

Weight Loss Truth: Can Anyone Say EXCUSES? I’m not going to deny that there may be tendencies in heavy parents to raise heavy children who will remain heavy all their lives, but I don’t think there really is a “fat” gene or DNA. What we do inherit from our family, mainly from those who directly raised us, are our opinions and beliefs. Your views on food, money, religion, politics, education, etc. they are based on how you were raised. If you were raised in a household where main meals were cooked with fried foods, then you might have a tendency to continue cooking and eating fried foods throughout your life. If that’s the case, you may have a little weight around your waist. The easy thing is to blame those who were in charge of your education, however, you ALWAYS have the option to change.

Fat Loss Myth #10
Eating healthy is very difficult

Weight loss fact: Eating healthy is the easiest thing in the world…once you’ve trained yourself to do so. How many times have you set yourself the goal of losing weight or “eating better”? The first few days he is doing very well, eating all kinds of foods that he normally would not eat. Then a funny thing started to happen, you went back to your old habits and behaviors. This has happened to you in other areas outside of your health. It could be making money, looking for a new job, or in your relationships. Creating a new habit takes time because our brains don’t like change. Changing the brain is dangerous. Anyway, if you’d like to learn more about how our brains try to sabotage us so we don’t form new habits, download my free eBook, “The Psychology of Shedding Weight.”

Weight loss myth #11
You have to give up your favorite foods to lose weight

Weight Loss Truth: What would a world be like without chocolate and pepperoni pizza? I think it would be a tortuous world to live in! lol, now on a real note, i completely disagree with this myth. You can definitely eat your favorite foods. Depriving yourself of this kind of pleasure is no fun, and frankly, you’ll probably eat it anyway. As mentioned before, the real key is moderation. If you’re a meat lover, then maybe it’s not best to eat it every day, but maybe once or twice a week. Those who know me personally know that I LOVE pizza chicken wings. In a perfect world where I wouldn’t gain any weight and my arteries wouldn’t clog, I’d love to eat it several times a week, well more like every day. However, I know that those are not the healthiest food options, so I eat them 2-3 times a month. I’m not giving up my favorite foods, I’m just eating them in moderation so they don’t overtake me as excess weight.

Fat Loss Myth #12
Overeating is caused by hunger.

Weight loss fact: Nice try. I wish we could blame “hunger” for it. In fact, this person we call hunger has nothing to do with you OVEREATING. It may have something to do with your body telling you it’s time to “fuel up” and you need food, but that’s not an indication that you should overeat. What causes many people to overeat are different reasons. One of the main ones is the feeling of stress, depression, loneliness, anxiety, fear and other degrading emotions of that nature. Many times food can be a means to satisfy your needs. You may actually be getting your needs met through your food. For example, if you live a lonely life and are not very happy, then food could be a way for you to feel happy and comfortable. There are other articles I’ve written on this topic, but suffice it to say that overeating is NOT caused by being hungry.

Weight loss myth #13
Only crash diets work

Weight Loss Truth: There goes that word again…DIEt….those “crash diets” are only good for rapid weight loss and rapid weight gain once you achieve it. These crash diets range from the “cookie diet” hehehe… All that way to the “water only diet”… I’m sure you can lose weight while following these DIEs, however the weight will will win correctly. backwards and usually with some extra weight as a bonus

Fat Loss Myth #14
I’m too fat and too advanced to start

Weight loss fact: A long journey begins one step at a time. It’s natural to expect instant results and even fear the road ahead; especially if you are very overweight. The secret here is to make SMALL incremental changes. Don’t expect perfection because that will lead to disappointment. You’re never too far down the road to where you can’t see the sunlight…

Weight loss myth #15
I can’t do it, I have tried many times and failed.

The truth about weight loss: The great Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right”… It’s 90% mindset and 10% losing weight . your butt and do something about it. You fall, you get up again… you fall down, you get up again. If you’ve tried to lose weight in the past, it’s time to keep trying. Discouragement is losing weight like a piece of fried chicken is to a vegetarian… They DO NOT go hand in hand.

One thing we must admit is that most people love to eat foods that are rich in spices. And sometimes these foods can be obtained from foods that are mostly acidic. Well, alkaline diet recipes will be the solution to avoid acidic foods.

There may be many ways to prepare recipes that suit our tastes. This can also be done with fruits and vegetables which are alkaline foods.

You can easily prepare alkaline foods at any time. And here are the suggestions for alkaline juice, soup, snack and dinner.

or Alkaline Juice

This recipe is great for breakfast because it will boost your energy level. Wake up your digestive system while providing nutrition to your body.

You can mix cucumber, celery, spinach, lettuce leaves and any other green leafy vegetables. You can also use fresh parsley and alfalfa as optional toppings. Squeeze them together and mix them 50/50 with distilled water. You can add optional lemon juice. You can also add main pH to further improve the alkalinity of the juice.

or Alkaline Soup

This soup is highly recommended during a detox. This recipe contains avocado, which is high in essential fatty acids. It also contains cucumber which is well known for its cleansing properties. You can use herbs and spices, lemon and lime.

You will blend the avocado and store it to form a light paste. After that, you will add scallions, green or red bell pepper, cucumber, spinach, and garlic. Add Bragg’s Liquid Aminos, light vegetable broth (no yeast), and lemon or lime juice.

o Alkaline Dinner

For dinner, the Detox Lime-Chili Stir ‘Fry’ is one of the alkaline diet friendly recipes. Ingredients are Pak-Choi, Carrots, Mange, Peas, Bean Sprouts, Broccoli, Cabbage (Red or Green), Fresh Lime Juice, Chili, Coriander and Vegetable Broth and Basmati Brown/Wild Rice.

The first thing you should do is pulp the cilantro with the mortar and pestle. And then add chili and lemon juice to make a sauce. Put it aside. And then, you will chop all the vegetables finely. After this you are going to steam them but do not cook them completely so as not to lose the nutrients.

Now, you will cover the cooked things on top of the rice and then you will put the sauce.

It’s so simple yet delicious. You can also steam the vegetables in a vegetable broth if you don’t have a steamer. If you like seafood, you can also add prawns.

The amount of each ingredient depends on your choice.

o Alkaline snack

The alkaline recipe that is sure to appeal to your palate is asparagus seasoned with lemon juice.

The ingredients are asparagus spears (bend towards the end and let them snap naturally), spring onions, melted butter (avocado), grated lemon zest from half a lemon, fresh lemon juice from a whole lemon, and fresh thyme.

Steam the spring onion and asparagus, but avoid overcooking them. Then mix the avocado butter, lemon juice, thyme, and lemon zest to make the dressing. Add a bit of cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil to slightly neutralize the lemon juice. Now, stack the spring onion and asparagus and then dress.

In this article, we will study a group of novice traders, who had two weeks of training and then made millions in profit. You may not make millions, but if you see how they made money, you will see how you can enjoy Forex trading success.

Richard Dennis was a well-known trader who had made millions, but he was very modest and claimed that anyone could be a successful trader as long as they had the right method and mindset, so he set himself a challenge:

Teach a group of inexperienced people to trade in just 14 days and these people would be of both sexes, all ages, and of varying intelligence. The group was a good mix and included an actor, a security guard, and an accounting clerk, to name just a few.

After their training, they started trading and began racking up triple digit profits and continued over a period of 4 years to make hundreds of millions of Forex profits. So what was the secret to its success? I have summarized the key points behind their success below and some of them may surprise you, so here they are:

The best Forex strategies are always simple

The best strategies are simple and use technical levels to enter trades. The trading system taught was so easy to learn that it took only a couple of weeks. Being smart or working hard on a trading system doesn’t guarantee success, so keep it simple and you can win.

No prediction needed to win money

Despite what many gurus will tell you, Forex prices cannot be predicted! If you want to make money, simply trade the price action and watch for confirmation of trend changes. The strategy used was based on trading breakouts and long-term trading trends that will always make money.

Money Management: Losses No Matter the Size of Them!

The system lost over 70% of all transactions made, but strict money management rules meant they were always small. On the other hand, big profits would run for weeks or months and cover losses, giving traders big profits in the long run.

Forget people who tell you that you can win more than 90% of the time, it’s a lie. Most of the successful traders in the world win less than half of their trades, but that doesn’t matter, because use proper risk control to cut losses and make profits.

The key factor for success: your mindset

It’s simple: if you don’t trade with discipline, you won’t make any money. Let your emotions get involved and you will incur losses that will end with the deletion of your account. The traders in the group had no trouble learning the system or understanding why it worked, but all found that following the strategy with discipline was the hardest part. However, they knew that this was what they had to do to win and their discipline was rewarded.

Can you become a successful Forex trader?

Yes, you can, as you can see from the story above, but the only key point to keep in mind is not to learn a method that can beat the market, which is the key to forex trading success, but to adopt the right mindset. .

Simple sounds?

It is and is the real secret to success in forex trading: understand it and you can make a lot of money trading global Forex.

I still remember the day I found out that SEGA was going to discontinue the Dreamcast. It was early 2001 and the PlayStation magazine I was reading (we used to read magazines back then) was covering the demise of the Dreamcast before quickly moving on to PS2 hits. Thanks to those successes and the massive preference for PlayStation over SEGA Saturn in the previous generation, Sony had almost single-handedly pushed SEGA out of the console business, leaving them to focus solely on software from that day on. With the Dreamcast topping a meager 9 million and sales turning around and the PS2 reaching dizzying heights of over 150 million units sold, the Dreamcast was destined to be little more than a footnote in the pages of history. of the games.

If you had told me that day in 2001 that we would still see new games released for the Dreamcast fairly regularly in 2016, I would have simply smiled and nodded as I slowly backtracked. And yet, here we are fifteen years later and the SEGA Dreamcast has a surprisingly vibrant community of independent developers who are still releasing games even though SEGA has had little to do with the console (other than repairs) since the early 2000s. So if you still have one of those nifty white boxes stashed somewhere in your attic, or even if you’re just thinking about playing retro games for the first time, there’s probably something on the horizon worth checking out. .

Although we are only a month into 2016, the Dreamcast has already seen the release of a console-exclusive game in Leona’s Tricky Adventures. Inspired by the Amiga puzzle game Gem X, Leona tasks the player with increasingly complicated color-based puzzles similar to the mid-90s Lights Out handheld game you may remember. Leona’s Tricky Adventures is available for purchase as you read this on Steam, but the Dreamcast version comes with a full jewelry box including artwork. Which is obviously much better.

Looking ahead, the long development Elysian Shadows is scheduled to hit the streets sometime in 2016. After reaching public awareness through a series of YouTube development videos in 2007, and then a successful campaign Launched on Kickstarter in 2014, Elysian Shadows is an RPG with customizable characters, a dynamic day/night cycle, and a striking hybrid 2D/3D art style. Set in a fantasy world similar to that seen in the classic JRPG Final Fantasy VI, Elysian Shadows tells a story of conflict between religious fanatics given magical powers by the Creator and atheists forced to rely on futuristic technology. While there’s no solid release date yet and the game’s development has had a couple of hiccups recently, developer GyroVorbis maintains that the title will release in 2016, and who are we to argue?

Scheduled for June this year, Alice Dreams Tournament is a 2D Bomber Man from French developers Alice Team. Players must traverse the 2D mazes using their bombs to clear paths and destroy the other players on the stage, while searching for power-ups to increase the number of bombs they can drop or the damage their bombs deal when they detonate. The game features a robust multiplayer mode that includes seven different game types ranging from standard deathmatches to more elaborate modes involving math puzzles.

Hypertension: Harmony of Darkness is a first-person horror shooter that began as an extension to the Blood franchise, but morphed into its own story as development progressed. After some disputes with Atari due to Blood assets being used in the production of Hypertension, as well as a brief cancellation of the project due to that, development on Harmony of Darkness has progressed and the game is expected to release at some point. moment. 2016.

Hucast Games is looking to release Redux 2, the sequel to its remake of the scrolling shoot-em-up DUX sometime in 2016. Pre-orders for the game are now available and there’s a snazzy collector’s edition that includes a CD with audio and a DVD of extras if you’re willing to pay for that sort of thing. The vanilla game features seven all-new stages and a two-player co-op mode for players who like to do their arcade shooting with a friend in tow. If you are a fan of R-Type or other ship shooting games of that type, then Redux 2 might be a game worth checking out.

If you’re looking for something a little more off the beaten track, away from 2D shooters and puzzle games, then the Dreamcast indie scene may meet your needs with a title like SLaVE from Isotope and Jay Townsend. SLaVE tries to combine the flashy aesthetics of 80’s arcade games with the addictive first-person shooter gameplay of titles like Doom and Wolfenstein. If the combination of bold colors and punishing first-person shooters appeals to you in the right way, then SLaVE could be a game for you. However, if you are interested in it, you may want to move quickly; the game is planned to be an ultra limited edition with no more than 484 copies of the game planned for release.

SEGA gave up on the Dreamcast in the face of stiff competition from the Sony PlayStation 2 after just two years on the market, but there’s a community of dedicated indie developers who simply refuse to move on. It has a cult following that continues to churn out new content fifteen years after the console’s commercial demise. Since the console’s discontinuation in 2001, over thirty standalone titles have been released, including Sturmwind, Rush Rush Rally Racing, Wind and Water, and Gunlord. So maybe the next time you’re in the attic and see your old Dreamcast hidden between a Furby and a Spirograph, consider digging it up, dusting it off, and seeing what the old lady can do in 2016.

For the second year in a row, LeBron James faced minimal scrutiny for his inability to secure a championship. Rather, he has been praised for exceeding expectations and taking his team as far as possible. Most of this praise seems to be customary, considering his deep numbers and lack of assists from his teammates. According to ESPNIn the 2015 Finals, LeBron James averaged an absurd 35.8 points, 8.8 assists and 13.3 rebounds. Such commanding overall numbers would make even the all-time greats in awe. With Kevin Love and Kyrie Irving out due to injury, LeBron amazingly led a Cavaliers team with Timofey Mozgov as the second leading scorer, two wins away against a historically great Golden State team.

As flawless as LeBron James seemed in the Finals, there are facets of his performance that deserve criticism. His incredible scoring numbers didn’t come with incredible efficiency, in fact, he shot a woefully inefficient 39.8% from the floor. Despite being known for his ability to always make the right basketball play, LeBron James had his fair share of poor shots in this series. also as hoops habit notes, Cleveland always played its worst basketball in the fourth quarter. Had they had more impressive fourth quarters, the series could have gone the other way around. Now, all the responsibility for that shouldn’t fall on LeBron James, but he should be responsible as the leader of the team. Ultimately, his main defender, Andre Iguodala, won the Finals MVP.

Similarly, last year, Kawhi Leonard won the Finals MVP award after guarding Lebron for the most possessions in the series. That year, LeBron James and the Heat lost to the Spurs in the Finals by a record 70-point margin. As deadly as those Spurs were, a team made up of LeBron James, Dwayne Wade, Chris Bosh and Ray Allen shouldn’t be breaking records for the wrong reasons. However, LeBron James’ average of 28.2 points on 57.1% shooting, according to Basketball-Reference, seems to outweigh his team’s failures. This season, however, LeBron James won’t have the narrative of not having enough help to fall back on, should he fail to bring home that coveted championship for Cleveland.

First of all, barring an unforeseen setback, the Cavaliers should be able to sail to the NBA Finals, as LeBron James apparently has for what seems like forever. In the 2015 playoffs, the Cavaliers, with Kevin Love out and Kyrie Irving limping, only lost two games en route to LeBron James’ fifth straight trip to the Finals. Both players should be relatively healthy this coming season, and coupled with a revamped bench that now consists of Mo Williams and Richard Jefferson, the Cavaliers should be the heavy favorites in the East.

There will always be pundits who will argue that a team like Chicago or Miami has a chance, but it would be irrational to bet against the Cavs. Arguably his biggest competition is a Bulls team he beat with Love and Irving injured. The Heat, while made up of solid options at every position, lack the Cavaliers’ overall talent and rely too heavily on an injury-prone Dwayne Wade. Therefore, LeBron James has no reason not to make his sixth straight Finals appearance.

However, if he fails to get his team to the finals, he will lose another opportunity to improve his status among the all-time greats. He should be scrutinized, as other superstars have been, for not making it to the finals despite having a superior roster. However, this is all hypothetical, and LeBron James will most likely be facing the team that made it out of the brutal Western Conference.

The myriad of title contenders in the Western Conference instigates the perception that any team representing the West in the Finals is vastly superior to its Eastern counterpart. This perception has previously provided LeBron James with wiggle room to escape how he should lose in the Finals. In fact, this perception seems to persist for the next season. Teams like the Spurs, with their talent and depth, seem incapable of losing to an Eastern Conference foe in a seven-game series. Nobody would blink if the Warriors, Clippers or Thunder beat the Cavaliers in the Finals. Even the Rockets would have a fair chance.

In reality, the Cavaliers can realistically beat any of these teams in a series. ace Bleacher Report notes, the Cavaliers went a phenomenal 13-1 record against the Western Conference in the second half last season. They have 3 of the top 20 players in the league in LeBron, Kyrie and Kevin Love. These three players formed the highest scoring trio in the league, by 247 sports. His bench, while unspectacular, is competent enough to give the Cavaliers the depth needed to compete with these Western Conference adversaries. Above all, they have one thing that no other team in the league has: the greatness of LeBron James.

His combination of otherworldly athleticism and elite basketball IQ provides the Cavaliers with all the ingredients they need to win a championship. Despite all of his incredible numbers in both the regular season and the playoffs, to truly challenge Michael Jordan as the GOAT, he must prove that he is capable of revolutionizing a franchise, with a championship. Michael did it with the Bulls, Duncan with the Spurs, Kareem with the Bucks, Bird with the Celtics, and so on. Despite being the unquestioned leader of those Heat champion teams, Dwayne Wade was still the face of the franchise. Now that he has all the pieces, there will be no excuses. It’s time to give Cleveland its first championship in over 50 years.

Today’s Ruhstaller Beer represents itself as a revival of the Ruhstaller Brewery of the late 1880s, both of which have a Sacramento beer and hop heritage. But similarities continue between past and present with the strong commitment to locally sourced ingredients and quality. Today’s Ruhstaller’s has a California ingredients list that shows almost exclusively California sources. Ruhstaller Brewery of the past was also a highly regarded local ingredient brewery for several decades, beginning just after the California Gold Rush era (1849-1855) and disappearing due to Prohibition from 1920 to 1933.

Captain Frank Ruhstaller came to the United States at age 15, arriving in Sacramento in 1865. In Sacramento he began working in breweries and a few years later bought his first brewery. Upon his death in 1907, the local newspaper wrote in his obituary: “Surely no death has caused more sorrow in this city than that of Captain Frank J. Ruhstaller.” He was a beloved gentleman by all accounts.

The backstory on today’s Ruhstaller beer centers on Sacramento as it was with the original Ruhstaller brewery. Frank Ruhstaller built the largest brewery west of the Mississippi in Sacramento. That’s amazing because Sacramento, at one point, had 16 breweries in town. Much of Sacramento’s economic success was based on population growth (due to the gold rush), agriculture, large water sources, the railroad, and access to the sea. From 1870 to 1880, the Sacramento region became the hop capital of the world due to the success of quality beer. Regional hop growers even exported their hops to Europe.

An interesting fact from the time is that Adolphus Busch came to the United States in 1857. In 1861 he married the daughter of another German immigrant named Eberhard Anheuser. Mr. Anheuser had opened a small brewery in St. Louis, MO in 1857. After the Civil War, Busch went to work for his mother-in-law at the Anheuser Brewery located “west of the Mississippi.” Here’s what’s interesting: Frank Ruhstaller had built the Ruhstaller Brewery empire in Sacramento to be the largest west of the Mississippi in 1881. He pulled it off on his own.

In an era in California where agriculture was king, it was the quantity, quality and variety of hops that was amazing for the time. Sacramento would eventually become the main supplier of hops to much of the world’s and American breweries.

You could say that Ruhstaller Brewery (formerly) was one of the first premium craft breweries. They produced a steam beer 15 years before Anchor Steam was founded. According to Beer-FAQ, “Steam beer is a style of beer that originated in California during the gold rush. They are usually clear and crisp like a lager, but also full-bodied like an ale. The taste is Roasty and malty but with quite aggressive hops and carbonation.The brewing process is unique in that it uses lager yeast but brewed at warmer brewing temperatures.

Taking the banner of the original Rruhstaller Brewery, in 2011 Ruhstaller Beer began operations. The culture of the first Ruhstaller Brewery is the foundation for today’s award-winning “Ruhstaller Beer•Sacramento.” The founder and leader of Ruhstaller Beer is Mr. JE Paino. JE, as he prefers to be called, graduated from UC Davis with a bachelor’s degree in business administration; the beer race came later. He impresses me as a down to earth person who appreciates the team approach and is totally customer focused. Like many who build companies, he is driven by the quality of his ingredients, and that quality begins with the hops, namely Sacramento hops.

JE has been methodical in creating an award-winning craft beer company brand, building on Sacramento’s rich history in beer, grains and hops. The company has invested a great deal of time and money to nurture the hop industry that remains today. Enough hops are produced from 3 local hop farms to supply Ruhstaller Beer with most of the hops they need, except for the 5% that comes from outside of California. Even the barley comes from farmers in Northern California.

JE is not shy about his belief that California offers the best environmental/terroir conditions for growing premium hops. “I’ve tried it on our own 10 acres of hops,” says Paino. As he drives west on I-80 in Dixon, CA, he can see his hop farm on the side of the road. “At Ruhstaller Beer, we believe that a great beer starts with the best ingredients. Like our founder, Captain Frank Ruhstaller, we’re partnering with California hop and barley farmers to grow the best California ingredients for our beers.

To show how serious Ruhstaller Beer is about their commitment to ingredients, they started a hop school to teach the history of Ruhstaller, the techniques needed to grow premium hops, and help consumers understand the foundation of a good beer. In fact, the class is not free, in 2019 they charged $30 per participant for 6 sessions and provided lunch and beer.

Interestingly, Sacramento was the hop capital of the world and that era is generally recognized to have started around 1850. A hop farmer from that period started a hop farm located at what is now the University of Sacramento. By 1904, that producer was supplying hops to the Guinness Brewery.

Research indicates that most people buy craft beer based on regional identity, a recommendation, a positive tasting experience, label design, and brand loyalty. If a brewery owner and employees are passionate about what they are doing, they will inherently drive quality and customer recognition. The value of quality, passion and a recognizable corporate culture that is recognizable will drive consumer brand loyalty.

To paraphrase a legendary New York City advertising genius: if it doesn’t sell, nothing else matters. Ruhstaller Beer’s marketing approach has probably had a profound impact on the brand. As just noted, Ruhstaller Beer•Sacramento is based on a historic regional name known for consistent quality, support from local producers, and an identity consumers can relate to. From faucet handles they make out of old farm implements to the stylized abstract silhouette of a man with a cigar and the name ‘Sacramento’ on their labels; they have created a brand that is easy to understand and creates affinity. Who doesn’t like the success story built on the early history of an upstart Western brewery?

In the Yolo County News Bret Johnson’s article, JE Paino (founder of Ruhstaller Beer) says about beer marketing: “You can’t just have a good story with a good name. You have to have a good beer first. When Sacramento was the -region in growth in America before Prohibition, brewers were competing on quality, not Super Bowl ads. Not gimmicks. It had to be good beer. It was supposed to be better beer.” The Ruhstaller family presented Paino with one of the original gold-rimmed glasses.

In that same interview, Paino forecast that beers made with local hops will cost an extra 50 cents per bottle. To justify the cost, it is essential that the consumer is aware of the value and purpose of quality ingredients that add aroma, flavor and mouthfeel to the quality craft beer experience.

It’s about Ruhstaller Beer•Sacramento: Yes, the name does matter. The resurrection of the iconic JE Paino name comes with best wishes from the surviving Frank Ruhstaller family. Today’s Ruhstaller beer is unique in the craft beer industry because of its history. This craft beer brand has roots dating back to 1881 in its humble beginnings. The history of Ruhstaller Beer today is the documented history of Frank Ruhstaller, the history of Sacramento as the beer capital of the western half of the US, the history of ingredient sourcing, and a deep history of corporate culture. We can always learn from the masters of old. Mr. JE Paino adds to the Ruhstaller legacy/story by adding a deep understanding of building brand loyalty over true quality.

History can make a good beer!

How good is Amazon Instant Video Subscription? By most accounts, the cost of $99 per year is more than worth it. First of all, they offer you an a la carte movie selection style, where you can choose from a variety of genres on the on-screen interface. There’s a “Recently Viewed” section, as well as Recommended Action & Adventure, Recommended Family & Kids, Your TV Shows, and more sections tailored to popular user requests.

Amazon Instant vs. Amazon Prime Instant Video Streaming

The best movies that have just left the cinema can be seen with an Amazon online video subscription for less than a dollar. You could also pay up to $15 to own it; but in most cases, this doesn’t seem reasonable unless you plan to watch said movie 15 times. Alternatively, you can also opt for the Amazon Prime Instant video option, which allows free streaming of videos without adding them to your Amazon account.

Unlimited streaming available with Prime also comes with access to the Kindle Unlimited library, where you can read a free book every month, as well as free 2-day shipping on a host of items from Amazon’s incomparably large inventory. Amazon’s inventory of movies and TV shows is easily over 100,000 as of 2017, and is steadily growing due to its competition with HULU and Netflix.

Watch movies online with Amazon

The Amazon Prime interface varies depending on the device you use. On a Roku, for example, the layout isn’t as easy to navigate; but on a PlayStation, it’s better. Cloud Player is useful for video streamers who want to download a title to watch later, and the search function is on the left hand side offering many options that come close to your original search. The interface has improved quite a bit since 2014, so if you get your online video streaming subscription from Amazon, keep in mind that it’s now competitive with HULU and Netflix.

Get free Amazon Prime

The beauty of Amazon Instant Video and its entire online video streaming package is that you can try it free for a month; in some cases, more. During this period, you can see how well the free 2-day shipping works for you, as well as how you like the selection of watching movies online. Just head over to Amazon’s website and sign up for the Prime trial.

If you buy a lot of things before the trial period ends, estimate how long it takes for your items to arrive so you understand what kind of service you can expect. If you don’t think what’s available justifies the price, cancel your trial subscription at the end of the month so you won’t be charged. The $99 (as of 2017) cost of Prime breaks down to about $8.25 per month – factor in how often you watch movies, TV shows, and order items from the superstore to determine if the subscription is worth it or not.

The pantry option with a streaming video subscription

Finally, along with their new series of videos, movies, TV shows, and free 2-day shipping, we invite you to give Amazon Pantry a try. This helps keep your kitchen stocked with goodies not available to casual shoppers, all at competitive prices and free shipping. Typically, you need to purchase $50 worth of products to activate free shipping; plus, your stuff can take a business week to arrive.

With Prime Pantry, you’ll receive your order within two days, guaranteed or your money back. There are chips available, cake assortments, candy, chocolate, laundry detergent, coffee pads – whatever you have right now and want in your kitchen, Amazon Prime Pantry almost certainly has it. So check it out and sign up for your free online video streaming trial with Amazon today.

Vacation pay is three weeks for employees who have worked for the same employer for five years.

In Ontario, there are certain employment guidelines regarding vacation leave that entitle employees to paid time off. Although there are some categories of work that are exempt, most employers must comply with the Employment Standards Act (ESA) when it comes to granting paid time off.

It is important to note that time off and vacation pay are different from vacation pay and entitlement.

As of January 1, 2018, vacation time and pay places employees into two groups based on the number of years an employee has worked with the same employer. Here are the key differences in minimum vacation time and pay:

  1. Employees who have worked less than five years. earn two weeks of vacation time after each 12-month vacation entitlement year, calculated by four percent of your gross wages (excluding any vacation pay) earned in the 12-month vacation entitlement year or period of proof (if applicable).
  2. Employees who have worked five years or more Earn three weeks of vacation time, calculated at six percent of your gross wages earned in the 12-month entitlement year or voucher period (if applicable).

As an employer, you can provide more rights and benefits to your employees beyond the minimum standards set by the ESA. However, it cannot be less than the amounts listed above.

10 Vacation Pay Facts for Ontario Business Owners

Here are ten things to keep in mind, in addition to the minimum vacation standards:

  1. A year of vacation entitlement is a recurring 12-month period that may be counted from the employee’s hire date or, alternatively, throughout the calendar year. If the latter, you must allocate a prorated amount of vacation time for the duration between your employee’s start dates and his or her calendar year; this is called a “chunk period”.
  2. You are not required to provide vacation time if an employee does not complete a full year to which they are entitled to vacation or a reserve period. However, employees earn vacation pay as they earn their salaries.
  3. Vacation time is accumulated during a leave of absence, such as Parental or Maternity leave, since there is no interruption in the employment relationship.
  4. Your employees must take vacation within ten months of the end of a year’s vacation entitlement or safekeeping period.
  5. As an employer, you also have the right to schedule vacations and ensure that your employees take time off before the end of that ten-month period.
  6. Employers must schedule their vacation time in blocks: two- or three-week blocks, or two- or three-week blocks, depending on years of service. For shorter periods (ie one day), your employee can request it, and the agreement can be made in writing or electronically.
  7. In most cases, earned vacation pay must be paid in a lump sum before your employee takes vacation. However, there are several exceptions to this.
  8. Your employee cannot use all or part of their vacation time; however, as the employer, he is still required to provide them with earned vacation pay. In this case, he will need an electronic or written consent along with the approval of the Director of Labor Standards.
  9. In cases of termination of employment, you must provide your employee with vacation pay earned. This is required within seven days of termination or on the next payday.
  10. If your employee requests a record of their vacation pay (in writing), you must provide the statement within one week of the request or the next payday.

If you’re still wondering how to calculate vacation pay, or have questions like what to do about vacation for seasonal employees, it’s always a good idea to get help from an HR expert.

Hello and thanks for reading my article.

Here are my top ten favorite kitchen tools that I think every cook should have!

1. A cake tester: When I cook, I always have a cake tester and use it almost as much as I use my knife. You can use a cake tester to tell if a steak or piece of fish is medium or well done, or you can use it to tell if something is hot inside, like a meatball or crab cake. I explain exactly how this is done on my website.

2. Tongs: Cooking without a pair of thongs and a towel in hand is to me like being on a battlefield without a gun. The obvious use of flip flops is great, you can’t grill without flip flops! With a strong pair of tongs, you can slide the baking sheets closer to you so you don’t stick your arms in the oven. You can reach into the oven for something that has been dropped, and one of my favorite things about tongs is that you can gently drop a piece of chicken into the frying oil without splashing yourself with hot oil.

3. Knives – My chef’s knife is by far the knife I use the most. I always say don’t buy a complete set of knives, but invest in a good chef’s knife that will last you. You can use the top edge to crack open lobsters or crabs, you can use the flat side to mash garlic or scoop up what you’ve minced, and unless you’re going to fillet fish or slice meat, a bread knife and paring knife would do the trick. you need. There is no need to spend a lot of money on a bread knife, in fact my favorite bread knife that I only ever use (dexter-russell) is a $20 knife. It’s toothy, it’s sharp, it has a good grip and it’s solid, what more could you ask for? A paring knife will cost no more than $10, whichever you are more likely to pay for a name or get ripped off.

4. Peeler – My favorite peeler and the only one I use is a Kuhn Rikon. They are made of plastic and cost $2, I usually pick up 2 or 3 of them. They are cheap to make but are sharp and do their job well. Peelers work great not only for peeling, but also for shaving very fine things, like Parmesan cheese, chocolate, carrots, or cucumbers.

5. Microplane: A microplane can grate hard cheese, chocolate, nutmeg, cinnamon, and even grate citrus fruits for all sorts of uses. The microplane creates a beautiful grated parmigianno regianno on top of a caesar salad, pasta or risotto. Citrus zest is also very presentable for a nice topping for cheesecake or angel food cake. One of the other benefits of a microplane is that it grates much finer than a regular grater, it can also be used to grate garlic, ginger, wasabi or onions.

6. Fish Spatula – A fish spatula is a spatula specially designed to allow you to get under the skin of the fish and allow excess oil to drain through the slots in the spatula. You can use this design to your advantage in a variety of ways. Use it to be able to pick up a piece of cheesecake or cake and put it underneath so as not to damage the visible part. You can also use it for something like a chocolate cake where you can drip chocolate and the grooves will keep it from slipping.

7. Rubber Spatula: Even though it’s called a spatula, I never use it to pick up or flip anything. However, I use it for pretty much everything else on the planet. Perfectly folding egg whites so they don’t go flat, mixing mashed potatoes, working with chocolate, making eggs, cooking in a nonstick skillet, risotto, scraping the bowl to make sure you get every last bit out of the bowl. The best thing is that they clean in 2 seconds!

8. Japanese Mandolin – A dangerous but extremely useful tool. This is what all the pros use to create a perfect brunoise or little cubes every time. The blade is very sharp and can shave or cut things finely. Makes beautiful grated parmesan, you can grate garlic, carrot, ginger, cucumber, etc. for a nice presentation.

9. Food Mill – A food mill is a tool designed to make purees, like mashed potatoes, but it can be used for other things as well. You turn the handle which forces produce (potatoes, carrots, beets, etc.) into holes of different sizes. This is how restaurants get super smooth mashed potatoes every time. I also love using it to make ground black pepper, for steak, or mignonette for oysters.

10. Spice Grinder: A small spice grinder is something I can’t live without when cooking. When you roast and grind spices, it really brings out the flavor and is very simple to do. Simply take your spice mix, be it cumin, cinnamon, or sesame seeds, and place them in a dry skillet over medium high heat. Stir continuously to prevent burning, which will create a bitter taste. The spice will finish roasting when it is golden and/or the smell is more vibrant. Then put in the spice grinder and grind until fine. You can also use a spice grinder to grind spices with salt and use the spiced salts to season fried foods when they’re fresh out of the fryer (sesame salt, black pepper salt, cumin salt, the list goes on and on).

Do you find it difficult to pack your things to be able to move to your new house? If so, we suggest you follow the advice given below. With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to pack your items, since you don’t want to break anything fragile or valuable. Without wasting any more time, let’s look at some essential tips.

1. Use the correct boxes

As for the packing of the books, we suggest you choose small boxes for them. On the other hand, you can opt for large boxes to pack lightweight items such as pillows and bedding. After all, you don’t want to end up breaking heavy items when packing them in small boxes.

2. Use the correct techniques for placing lighter and heavier items

Another essential tip is to place heavier items at the bottom of desired boxes. You can then place lighter items on top of these heavy items. This step is critically important if you are going to load the truck yourself. And the items must be in front of the truck to create a balance.

3. Fill in the empty spaces with the right type of clothing

If you want to fill in the blanks, we suggest you use packing paper, towels, and clothing. Often, if you pack this box incorrectly, it will be difficult for the mover to move these items. Aside from this, not packing properly can put your items at greater risk of damage.

4. Don’t mix items from different rooms

We suggest that you choose different boxes to place items in different rooms. This will make it easier for you to pack your boxes and place items in separate rooms.

5. Label each box

Now, this tip is extremely important as it will help you avoid a lot of frustration once you have unpacked everything. What you need to do is label each and every package or box. In other words, you must number each box and maintain an inventory list. This will help you keep track of everything.

6. Tape your moving boxes together

We suggest that you use high quality masking tape to seal all boxes at the top and bottom. You can also wrap the boxes with the tape. You can get this tape at a store near you for a few dollars. Therefore, you do not need to worry about the availability aspect.

7. Frame your photos

We suggest that you apply the best techniques for packaging works of art. Using plain paper to wrap oil paintings is a big mistake. Similarly, if you want to take pictures, you need to wrap them with tape properly. It is better that you frame these images for safety.

In summary, we suggest you use these 7 tips if you want to pack your things before moving day. If you don’t follow these steps, you could end up making costly mistakes, like breaking your fragile or valuable items.